Imo Abortion Law Re-echoes Government Agents, Imo Lawmakers Share Dr Njemanze’s Property


okoeroch, uwajumoguand the abortion law

Despite the repeal of the Abortion Law by the Imo State House of Assembly, the prime anti-abortionist and Pro-lifer, Dr Phillip Njemanze, who exposed the Abortion law, is yet to overcome the vengeance mission target against him as he has come under fresh attack from government agents.
According to Trumpeta findings, the Imo State Government has carried out it’s threat on his landed property, following the invasion of his land by a member of the State House of Assembly representing, Onuimo State Constituency, Hon Robertson Ekwebelem and some government agents.
It would be recalled that Dr Njemanze incurred the wrath of the state government when he blew open the Abortion law contained in Law No 12 of 2012 signed into law by Governor Okorocha on May 29 of the same year. After several denials, the state government caved into public pressure when Okorocha publicly apologized and asked the lawmakers to repeal the law.
Confirming the development, Dr Njemanze said he has it on good authority that the State Government has perfected plans to destroy all properties bearing his name since he exposed the Abortion Law to the public.
He said that the latest posture of Hon Ekwebelem, who led some thugs to take over his land at Naze is a clear indication that he has been marked for annihilation by some forces from above. He said he was stunned when he visited the land in company of his brother.
“I was informed that the site for the construction of the mega hospital at Naze was invaded by Hon Ekwebelem. He came there with some policemen, four surveyors, two executive vehicles and a patrol vehicle.
“They put survey beacons on the land, on a land that is mine”, he exclaimed.
Njemanze added that he and his cousin were way-laid and intimidated by the Lawmaker and those he came with, wondering why he had to be intimidated and his land dispossessed from him without his consent and knowledge.
During the heat of the Abortion law, Dr Njemanze had revealed that there were desperate attempts to revoke his land when he blew the whistle on the state about the existence of the abortion bill.
Reacting on the issue later, Ekwebelem disclosed that he was highly surprised and embarrassed by the false alarm raised by Dr Njemanze on the land issue. According to him “I went to the said land with Ministry of Land Surveyours for surveying part of the land. The reason was that when I attempted to do the survey of the land, the people sent were harassed and chased away prompting me to seek police protection. I did not go there with thugs. I went with police and Ministry of Land Surveyours”.
Speaking further, Ekwebelem said “the land as I gathered was approved for him in 1994. After 19 years and no development, Government revoked it and left only one hectare for him. That is why I took some surveyours from government to measure the part I have bought”.