Nnanna Igbokwe, Fed Lawmaker in Trouble


nnanna igbokwee...


For Hon Nnanna Raphael Igbokwe, the member of the House of Representatives for Ahiazu/Ezinihitte Constituency, his days at the Green Chamber is numbered, if the anger filtering out from his constituents is anything to go by.


Trumpeta has it on good authority that the love between the Federal Lawmaker and his Constituency populace is alleged to be waning out following allegations of abandonment and arrogance against Igbokwe, from the people he is representing at Abuja.


It was learnt that Igbokwe’s out-reach and relationship with majority of voters in Ahiazu/Ezinihitte Federal Constituency is developing a huge gap, as lawmaker is alleged to have developed a new method, strange to his former ardent followers.

Speaking to Trumpeta in Owerri, Barr Ogechi Anosike who claimed to be one of those who stood behind Igbokwe during his long battles in the court, said the lawmaker now hardly picks his calls, and seems to have no time for the people who voted him into power, but has devoted all his time to Abuja Municipal Council, where he is the Vice Chairman of the City in the House of Representatives.

“Hon Igbokwe may think he has no more need of us now after his victory at the polls and court, but God lives” Barr Anosike fumed.

Chief Austine Anyalechi told Trumpeta that Ahiazu Mbaise, particularly has shown enough good will and support for Nnanna Igbokwe, but that next time when he comes for their votes they will make him pay, by subjecting him to tough time.

“Our votes sent him to the House of Assembly. After that he became Chief of Staff to Speaker, from there to the Federal House. May be he is taking us for granted. Next time we will tell him he is not the only politician from Ahiazu Mbaise” Chief Anyalechi said.

Comrade Paulinus Nwachukwu, who said he is speaking for youths, disclosed that it was unfortunate that Hon Nnanna Igbokwe did much when he was a State Assembly member with Scholarships and other incentives to the people, but was worried that he has changed and became far from the masses unlike before.

Will they plot recall against him? The majority said no, as according to them, it takes a lot of resources to recall a Lawmaker and they don’t have it, but vowed to lay ambush for him when next he seeks their support.

“Soon, another election will come and we will ask him question” he said.


Another reason that angered the constituents was the reported involvement of Igbokwe to a Bill in the House that would gag the press and stipulate punishment to journalists for unwarranted reasons.


However, when Trumpeta phoned Hon Igbokwe, his phone rang repeatedly without picking to confirm the allegation his constituents hold against him.

Meanwhile, a close source to the Lawmaker said that Igbokwe’s political enemies are at work, pointing out that he has been doing a lot for the constituency including attracting roads and other infrastructure to Ahiazu/Ezinihitte Federal Constituency.