FUTO Residents, Commuters Lament Over Bad Road, Cries Out To Government For Solution



Good road within and around educational institutions are crucial for it goes a long way in reducing risk of accident and injuries,it promotes streamlined transportation for both students and staff as well as creates positive impression for visitors and prospective students .

Unfortunately the reverse is been witnessed at Federal University of Technology Owerri as both Students,Staff , and residents within that area are crying for help.

Trumpeta visited the scene and found out that the road can best be described as a nightmare .

The state of the road  has been a subject of immense concern to well meaning  Imolites as the road,has been in a state of disrepair for quite sometime endangering lives of students and all  who ply through the road on a daily basis

On the spot  check of the road Trumpeta noted that the surface of the road has been riddled with potholes making it difficult for vehicles to navigate freely .

Some persons who spoke to Trumpeta mentioned that lack of proper drainage is  what the road is suffering from which is the reason why when rain falls, erosion and flooding helps in excarbating the problem.

Nkechi a student of FUTO of Crop Science department expressed that the bad road situation has drastically caused transporters to increase

 their fair causing them to pay more which is biting so hard considering the situation of things in the country.

Business owners around the area also  complained that business isn’t moving as before as some of their customers have found new routes thus, abandoning them.

Commuters reported that their vehicles visit mechanic quite often as a result damage  caused by the  horrible road which drastically affects their finances.

Worthy of note, is that repeated calls have been made  for repair of the road but unfortunately it has been alleged that the government has failed to address the issue.

FUTO students, staff, and surrounding community members are therefore  calling on the government to without futher delay intervene with lasting solution on how to address this issue

“All we ask is that  repairs and proper maintenance be done on the  road to ensure safe and smooth travel  ,local business and development enhancement as well as  foster safe and healthy  community which can attract prospective students and visitors

We have suffered a lot and

can’t continue to suffer because of bad roads we need a lasting solution now.”