Imolites were shocked on Saturday, September 21, 2024, to witness a new style of election malpractice unknown to planet earth. The impunity of the rigging was beyond the imagination of anyone, such that the devil himself would have been stunned  by what took place. APC having realized their inability to calculate the registered votes, and the voters, decided it was much better for voting not to take place at all, as it was clearer than ever that the People’s Democratic Party, PDP would have won by a record breaking landslide.

The question I personally ask is why did we (PDP) take part in this non existent election in the first place, knowing the antecedents of the Governor? The answer to that question is, so that we can witness an unpopular and unproductive governor’s claim that he won 27 LGAs and 305 Wards, a feat not even God could have achieved, meaning we have a new god in town, who can perform miracles beyond God’s ability.

On that Saturday, September 21, 2024, of the LGA elections, not one booth received materials, as the Imo State Independent Electoral Commission ISIEC, Adhoc staff were rounded up into vehicles and allegedly forced to sign result sheets for votes that did not take place.

What was most painful to me was that APC in Mgbidi ward two, prevented Mgbidi ward one (90% PDP faithfuls) from voting, thereby severing a 500-year brotherhood of the oneness of the Mgbidi clan. People of Mgbidi Ward one have vowed that henceforth, if their related brothers from Mgbidi ward two could treat them like this, that in the future they will vote against any candidate from Mgbidi ward two, favouring to vote with other clans. This division is now irreparable, baring immediate intervention by the elders, and will be passed on to our descendants to come.

Can we all be reminded that despite what happened on that uneventful September 21, 2024, Saturday, that PDP remains the largest opposition party in Africa today, and maybe the world at large?

What we experienced on that said election day is what is referred to as STATE CAPTURE. Something that only bandits carry out. APC has simply captured the State, and feel they can pocket it, and with it, all of us; but they are totally wrong. This scenario is but a temporary one, which does not have the legs, nor legitimacy to stand upon. UNELECTED men and women may hold positions selected for them by their governor, but we in PDP and the rest of Imo state, will never recognize such illegality! You cannot rape a woman with brute force, and then ask for her hand in marriage.

PDP will eventually recover from the greed and selfishness of APC in Imo State, and will rise above their wickedness. APC know the strength of PDP in the State, which is why they did not even dare send the ballot papers to the booths, because they already knew that their candidates would be shred to pieces on the ballot.

But believe me, PDP will eventually have the last laugh. That laugh will be so loud that, even the trees will shake, and  thunder will roar through the sky, as the hand of moral justice through the spiritual intervention of God takes place.

Let no one in the party spread unnecessary rumours to divide us, because APC has planted miscreants in our party to confuse many with their lies. Let no one leave the party. Leave the party to where? APC, a dying party that can only win elections on the back of rigging, deception and banditry?

Today alone hundreds of new people from Oru West, the governor’s clan, have joined the Peoples Democratic Party, in anger of what they witnessed APC do on Saturday, and more are still coming. We are running out of party cards in Imo State and have asked the national Headquarters in Abuja to print more cards. The good and well mannered people of Imo State waited in the hot sun on Saturday, waiting to vote, in their various booths for their LGA Chairman and their new Councilors, but were let down by a group of people (APC) who feel they own the State.

Let everyone in PDP go to their LGAs and wards and continue the recruitment drive, as many people now want to join the Peoples Democratic Party, because PDP is no longer just a Political Party, but a Political Movement of all those against Hope Uzodinma and APC’s misnomer across Imo State.

The saying that after the rain, comes the sun, and that every dark cloud has a silver lining is indeed true at this moment. The sun is about to shine on PDP in Imo State, as we wake up to clouds lined up with Silver and Gold linings.

Evil has never ever been able to overcome good, and God is on the side of those of us, who want to give the good people of Imo State a say in their democracy, and in their future.

Thank you.

Hon. Chief Joe Ikunna

PDP Apex leader, Oru West LGA.

23rd September, 2024.