Imo Semb Crisis Escalates, Heads To Roll Over Certificate Forgery, Fraud Allegations



Directors, Principals Risk Sack



By OkeyAlozie


The ongoing operation show your First School Leaving Certificate, Birth Certificate and other retirement documents may expose many staff of SEMB who are said to have over stayed in the service.

Trumpeta gathered that a government white paper to probe the anomaly and punish anybody discovered to be a culprit is currently causing panic among the workers.

Further information revealed that the paper may have also indicted a top rank director and recommended for her immediate sack but rumours has it that it was swept under the carpet.

Report has it that a Director who is now at the helm of affairs at the Secondary Education Management Board (SEMB) supposed to have been out of the service as recommended by the white paper but she refused to go. Our source revealed that instead of leaving office as recommended, she is at SEMB compiling list of those who are supposed to go for retirement. The Director in question we learnt from unconfirmed source did not include her name in the list of those for retirement.

We further gathered that the said act allegedly sparked crisis and controversy at SEMB as those against her continue stay in office have vowed to take the matter to Imo Government House.

There are however indications that many SEMB Directors including Principals may have falsified their retirement documents especially, birth certificates and First School Leaving Certificate (FSLC)

Some Staff of SEMB especially the Junior Workers who pleaded for anonymity decried these corrupt practices going on in the system. They are complaining that many senior staff have retired but refused to go instead of leaving the system they resolved to give themselves extensions by falsifying retirement documents.

The management staff and principals allegedly falsified their birth certificate and First School Leaving Certificate (FSLCE) in order to stay longer in their various offices. In addition, many principals that retired have refused to go coupled with alleged mutilation of files which is subject to investigation. It was reported that N3,000 was paid by each principal as fund raising for the collection of promotion letters.

When contacted, the ANCOPPS Chairman in Imo State, Mr. Ferdinand Duru debunked the allegation stating that principals were not forced to pay any money rather; the principals on their own agreed to give support for office job to move well.

Many principals, we gathered are said to be running from pillar to post, to get their original certificates to avoid problem. It was alleged that some staff and principals are secretly planning to remove their initial certificates which they submitted long ago that might indict them.

Further information revealed that the report of the panel set up years back to investigate the forgery allegations has not been implemented till date.

Meanwhile, source from SEMB explained that there was no cause for alarm, adding that those to be promoted to level 16 are usually requested to present their additional qualification and FSLCE.