Partial Barr, Austin Otuokere made frantic calls to me for rescue while I was enjoying my Sallah holidays in Portharcourt, courtsey of government house, in respect of my exposure of their threat calls to HRH Eze Thomas Obiefula concerning the Imo Charter of Equity. I declined his calls. Afterward, I read a gibberish where he struggled as a laylawyer to explain why he made the threat call in concert with his anti- Owerri zone gang. However, rather than cleverly apologise or defend himself, if any, spewed insults in lieu of issues. I believe that it is very important to make Austin and his gang to understand that insults will neither solve their problems nor successfully challenge the authority of the people of Imo State on the widely accepted Charter of Equity alreay dedicated to God in an inter-denominational church service attended massively by the good people of the State. The solution would rather be to accept it as what cannot be changed and an idea whose time has come.
I therefore advise Austin to wake up from his slumber and remind his worried mind that Willie Amadi is a brand who has established his democracy of life. So, alluding that he was not reappointed because of lack of performance as the Chief Technical Adviser on Environment was as childish as his decision to threaten  Eze Obiefula. While as CTA, Environment I laid the foundation and established a template of this phased improvement is being witnessed today. Moreover, I have held so many appointments in the state, including but not limited to a federal appointment as a Federal Commissioner/Ombudsman, and still counting with 5-star performance.
It is a notorious fact on record that I have never lobbied for any of these appointments because I am known to always add value to engagements and assignments rather than he who failed the Permanent Secretary examinations, before his lobbied, late promotion, based on political and health considerations.
At 62, my pre-politics/appointment retirement program is obviously on course so as to allow sensible younger ones the opportunity to also serve the State. So at 65, in 2027, when Owerri Zone, God willing,  produces the next Governor of the State, my glorious journey in politics and power brokerage will be rested to give way for my excited occupation of traveling around the world ��until I pass away.
Austin, suffering from old age hallucinations, talked about my support to one Awaka man for governor. If he ever knew my choice for the governorship, he would be shocked to his weak bone marrow. Under Imo Harmony Project and Trinity OPOCA Owerri Zone, our resolve and mantra is thus “Any sound, competent, Matured man or woman with track record of integrity and service performance both in the public, private and religious sectors who is generally accepted by the critical stakeholders from Orlu, Okigwe and Owerri zones and accepted by His Excellency, the Governor as a future successor will be the next Governor of the State. There will be a paradigm shift during the process of succession – selection, countdown 2027 for his limited information. So he should die his cocktail of blackmail of any such premature support because he is neither a player nor does he understand the drift going forward.
Finally, I want to assure Otuokere and his partners that the audio clip is very much available and will be played at the appropriate time for Imo people to confirm his level of nuisance and the desperations of his anti Owerri zone gang against a legitimate demand by a long deprived people of the State.
I come in the peace of the Lord.

Willie Amadi
Ukwa Achiaka & Omeudo Owere