IMHA: Egu’s Motion Adopted For Return of IRROMA


In a bid to add impetus to the Imo State Government’s rural roads revolution,  to stern the tide of flooding arising from downpours in the rural communities of the state and ensuring that no part is inaccessible, due to bad roads, the Imo State House Of Assembly has urged the State Governor, Senator Hope Uzodimma to revive and reconstitute the  Board and Management of the Imo State Rural Roads Maintenance Agency, IRROMA.

Moving  the Motion, the Member Representing Ngor-Okpala State Constituency, Rt Hon Prince Obinna Egu, PhD, said the State Governor, Senator Hope Uzodimma, whose Shared Prosperity Administration is anchored on Reconstruction, Rehabilitation and Recovery, and has made significant progress in building critical road infrastructure in the State, namely, Owerri-Orlu road, Owerri-Okigwe road, ongoing Owerri-Mbaise/Obowo road and many internal roads in the State capital, Owerri and beyond, needs IRROMA to compliment the ongoing roads and infrastructural revolution in the State.

Hon Egu,  who is also the House Committee Chairman On Science And Technology, went memory lane on the history of IRROMA. According to him, “Imo State Rural Roads Maintenance Agency, IRROMA was launched on the 15th day of November, 2008, with the responsibility of opening up rural areas and linking all parts of the State, as plans to make Imo State a One City State. The IRROMA initiative focuses on transforming the State into a model, with emphasis on industrialization and enterprise, provision of social infrastructure, respect for Rule of Law and, taking environmental issues and resuscitating key institutions”.

Sadly, Hon Obinna Egu observed,  “IRROMA suffered negligence and poor management by successive administrations and it became moribund, negating its primary responsibility”. Nevertheless, he assured that the revival of IRROMA by the State Government would see that the rural roads are constantly maintained,  and new jobs and employment would be created, thereby killing two birds with one stone, as well as  ensuring that farmers in the rural areas have access to good roads, to transport their farm produce to the market.

Hon Obinna Egu, thereafter beckoned on his distinguished Honourable colleagues to support the Motion, so  that the commendable work of His Excellency the Governor, in road infrastructure, would be complimented.

The Motion which was seconded by Hon Sam Ikechukwu Osuji, Member Representing Isiala Mbano State Constituency, was co-sponsored by 9 other lawmakers.

Satisfied with their contributions to the Motion,the Speaker ,Rt Honourable Chike Olemgbe, put it to vote and it was unanimously adopted. Thereafter, he Ruled as follows :

“BE IT RESOLVED By This Honourable House To Urge His Excellency, The Governor of Imo State, Distinguished Senator Hope Uzodimma To Revive The Imo State Rural Roads Maintenance Agency, IRROMA, To Ensure That No Part Of The State Rural Areas Remains Inaccessible Due To Bad Roads”.

The Clerk was, thereafter, directed to communicate the Resolution of the House to His Excellency the Governor.