Whispers For Humanity Advocates End to Violence Against Women, Girls



By:Nkama Chioma

A non -governmental organization ,NGO, known as Whispers To Humanity, on Saturday, 9th of December,2023, held a one-day UNITE program in advocacy to the end violence against women and girls. The event held at Kelvic Suites, New Owerri, Imo State was as an end to the 16 days activism of the NGO.

The exercise was held solely to seek the opinions of invitees of the event through brainstorming on how best the gospel of this advocacy can be preached to yield the desired result.

Trumpeta learnt that the essence of the NGO is to have a youth led female collectives to build a generation of different mindsets that would help change the future, empower young girls and women and educating the public on having respect and value for the female gender.

From the different expositions, it was noted that women exclusion from decision making,gender inequalities , Molestation , Intimidation ,sexual assault, Stigmatization amongst others, are part of violence women face which has contributed immensely to where they are today..

Some of the students who spoke mentioned that in their various areas of study they encounter violence against women and girls which they said are caused by faulty upbringing and lack of proper education and Sensitization as the case may be.

They pleaded that the government and different NGOs should come to their rescue so that their goals can be adequately achieved through qualitative learning where they would be taught to speak up in case of any molestation meted out on them.

Mary Jacobs, the founder of the NGO asked the men the best tools that can be used to curb the violence and they categorically said it revolves around morality which should be inculcated from childhood then secondly giving both genders equal level playing grounds ..
Majiore Ezihe, a renowned activist in in her speech opined that violence against women and girls is a virus that must be condemned by all. She mentioned that women should learn to fight for their rights and stop depending solely on the males so as to avoid being treated callously.

Addressing the teachers, Majiore urged them to break the culture of silence and ensure they speak out as their are many organizations interested n
in such cases also adding that the VAPP law is no respecter of any person.

In summary, the media is expected to apply professionalism in discharge of their duties by applying conscious approach to reporting such issues that militate against women and girls using their different platforms which should be without bias or sentiment.

Also,all relevant stakeholders and the public should not relent in the advocacy for the end of violence against women and girls.