Mayhem  In Oguta; One Beheaded, Scores Killed, Over Fifty Houses Burnt, As Community Deserted


It is now certain that some Communities in Oguta LGA will not know peace again unless the Communities are officially gazetted disaster areas, a status they have already assumed unofficially and appropriate actions taken.

The avalanche of ugly incidents in Izombe and Agwa Communities since penultimate week has not been palatable.

 In Izombe, penultimate weekend, over fifty houses in Amakpuruedere were burnt by armed groups suspected to be Ebubeagu security outfit.

The heavily armed suspected security outfit aided by an Armoured Personnel Carrier (APC) had ravaged the village.

A source, an elderly man, who pleaded anonymity, told this Paper that he overheard the perpetrators saying that the village harbours the unknown gun men in Izombe.

 Last Friday, two men of the same parentage were shot dead for yet to be disclosed reasons in the same village.

However, there was a mild drama in Izombe last Saturday as some Soldiers parked their vehicle by Afor Izombe market to make purchases.

No sooner the market traders, mostly women, saw them than they scampered for safety. It took the soldiers hours to call them back.

The Soldiers (who have been stationed in Izombe for months now) told those who braved it   that they were hungry and came to buy food items.

 But the story at Agwa Community last Sunday was horrendous as  lifeless bodies littered everywhere with tens of houses and stores burnt.

A narrator who confided in Trumpeta said gunshots took the place of church songs from 9am to 6pm that Sunday.

 Church members and their Ministers  who were already in church, locked up everywhere. They remained silent and listened to choruses from the gun barrels.

He said it was not  easy to identify the rampaging group but that he recognized( from his vantage point as an old soldier) that the group had three armoured vehicles and Hilux vans carrying heavily armed men and that the vehicle had the inscriptions “POLICE” on them.

  According to him, at the end of the operation, which he said was unwarranted because there was no challenge, burnt corpses of two young men were seen at Ogba-afor Agwa market square. One of the two beheaded.

He said the shooting which started from Uba Agwa village later spread to Uzii Obudi Agwa where many stores and houses were razed with corpses littered all over the place. Most painful, he said, was the corpse of a woman who was clutching her baby tenaciously in death. The baby was crying while still being held by the dead mother.

Presently, all young men, including the disabled, have fled Izombe and Agwa Communities.