Mass Exodus Hits Public Schools In Imo .Student Dump Govt Establishments For Private Outfits


By Okay Alozie

Trumpeta investigations has found out that good number of school children both in primary and secondary schools are switching over to private owned schools.

Our reporter observed that while the private schools in Imo State are recording increase in number of intake, that of the public schools is decreasing as class rooms in some of the public schools in Owerri  are said to be empty since school resumed two weeks ago for the second term.

Trumpeta learnt that after the  new Education Commissioner and his team on school reopening date paid visit to Imo schools discoveries was  that many pupil and students were absent in school.

The education commissioner who raised eyes brows over the low turnout of school children in the public schools directed the school heads to create more awareness on the resumption of school.

Teachers are now complaining against this mass exodus of school children to the private outfits.

When contacted, some chairmen of Parents Teachers Associations, PTAs of schools owned by government revealed that many things have been turned upside down in the public school system.

“Government no longer takes good care of the schools. It was gathered that good number of teachers are not being paid for more than eighteen months, nobody to teach key subjects, no conducive class rooms, facilities like home economics, science Lab. Not provided”, a P.T.A chairman of one of the government schools in New Owerri, who offered under anonymity submitted.

The P.T.A chairman complained bitterly on the insecurity in schools. Almost all the schools in Imo State are said to be vandalized and vital properties and documents. And government it was learnt have not done anything to stop hoodlums from braking into the public schools to wreck havoc.

Schools like Amakohia secondary schools, Akwakuma Girls Secondary school, Emmanuel College Owerri and other school are victims to this vandalization.

Report of hoodlums attacking and invading public schools made parents to raise serious alarm and consequently withdrew their children from public schools.

A visit to public school showed that good number of then do not have toilet facilities Library and good recreational facilities that will bring balance in education.

The worst of it all is that till date, Junior Secondary School, JSS, examination popularly known as Junior WAEC or(BESE) has been  conducted but since the shared prosperity government came on board two yrs ago, the  result  of the junior WAEC for two academic sessions have not been released.

The students spent money to register for this exam for the two years, yet the results are not out.

The same thing happened in the primary sector and technical sector.

First school leaving certificate examination conducted was delayed. Even the NABTEB examination meant for commercial and technical schools in Imo State still have the same problem.