Imo: Uzodinma, Okorocha’s Matter, and Others


By Henry Ekpe
This is an unusual time in the lives of Imo State and its citizens. The people are bewildered and confused on what is developing everyday in the State.
Imo State made up of the most educated class of Civil Service population you could find in Nigeria is yet to understand how the State degenerated to the present low where suspicion among the citizens reigns supreme.
Imo citizens are yet to reconcile how their usual freedom, taken for granted before now, is being limited by uncertainties hovering on the air every passing day.
Such a peaceful people in nature are yet to come to terms now booming guns wake them up in the morning, and send them in in the night.
They are shocked how things have so quickly changed in the State that spontaneous stampedes could cause Imo citizens to abandon their vehicles in the middle of the roads, in broad day light, and take cover for dear lives.
Too shocking that Owerri, the Imo State capital, known for its Tourism and night live could be a ghost town the moment it approaches evening.
Please, what is going on? What is going on in our dear beloved Imo State? It has never been this scary and unpredictable in Imo State since its creation in 1976.
Where are the Elders? Where are the Religious Leaders? Where are the Political Leaders? No one is talking. None of them are seeing the situation as dicey? When do they think they would render their voices to the unusual development in the State?
Ever since 1999 democracy returned to Nigeria, Imo State as other States usually has its own political battles in terms of elections, which disappear immediately the elected are sworn in.
But that of 2019 took another turn that it ended in strange developments that beggars the norms. Many political pundits had raised alarm of the unorthodox developments gearing up in Imo politics that is played with open mind and brotherly love. This time around bad blood has dominated the scene without abating. Why? What do we do? And what is the cause?
The peace-loving Imo populace are worried over what is happening in their State. The reason is that Imo State belongs to its citizens and not to politicians or even security personnel, much more to faceless Hoodlums. Therefore, soldier go solider come, Imo lives. In any event, no true born of Imo State would support the burning down of their State by conflagrations that do no one any good. Rather than Imo State collapse, let individual political adventurers perish.
We all saw how Hoodlums described as “Unknown Gun Men” stormed the State Capital during the holy week of Easter and committed havoc on the Headquarter of the Police State Command and Prison Yard.
That was what ignited the current tension and insecurity in the State. Who were those who committed that heinous crime? Imo people are yet to know. Even though it is in the news that arrests in that effect are being made.
But I insist that the perpetrators should be made open to Imo people so that the masses will know the enemies within and without.
Unfortunately in the midst of the uncertainty in the State, the battle between a former Governor, now Senator Rochas Okorocha, and the sitting Governor, Senator Hope Uzodinma continues.
Okorocha is accusing Uzodinma of hating him with venom. Uzodinma says that Okorocha is afraid of his own shadow.
Both men are Big men, who ought to have sheathed their swords and help Imo people sort out the major challenging situation that have visited the State. One is a former Governor and incumbent Senator. The other is a sitting Governor and old time Senator.
Instead of Okorocha and Uzodinma to tune down the microphone at this critical period  Imo people are in need of finding solution to insecurity ravaging the State, both men are busy increasing Imo worries through cross-fires. Imo is not conducive for that now.
The irony of it all is that both men are from Orlu zone, the Area in the news about Army occupation, which has reduced Orlu Town to a sorry enclave.
Okorocha represents Orlu in the State, Uzodinma is a son of Orlu occupying Imo Government House. What a situation! What has Okorocha done as the fellow representing Orlu in the Senate over this issue?
Both Big Men are of the ruling All Progressive Congress, APC. Which means the belong to the same political party. Rather than work together, they are operating from different angles, throwing more fuel into the burning fire in Imo.
I may not know who fired the first salvo, but the counter, and counter accusations from both parties are not helping the ugly situation in Imo. They could be accused of distracting Imo people.
In the beginning, the Imo State Government subtly pointed accusing fingers at Okorocha on the security breaches in the State. But he has not been officially invited to answer some questions up till now.
But Okorocha was in the News recently where he took on Uzodinma again when all Imo people want to hear is ways to tackle the insecurity in the State.
Okorocha even said he left Imo State Governorship seat poorer than when he came. This particular statement irked Imo populace who knew how rich Okorocha was worth before being Governor.
Maybe, he forgot that some months ago he spoke on how rich he is, compared to Imo State.
What Imo people want now is restoration of Imo State back to its peaceful position before Uzodinma mounted the seat on January 15, 2020.
As the Chief Security Officer of the State, that is Uzodinma’s major assignment and should ignore Okorocha’s tantrums and face the big task ahead.
Unfortunately, the method adopted in fighting the situation is taking a big tool on the people.
Much as Imo populace did not bargain for this, they had to adopt to the new scenario by being very careful, vigilant, alert, cautious and limiting their movements now. In every war, not those who caused it are the major casualties.
Today, security personnel have suffered much causality for the sake of protecting the people. Most of them have been murdered by the faceless “Unknown Gunmen”. These were men and women officially carrying out their duties.
It is the worst criminal behaviour to attack  security personnel protecting the people during crisis. It is inhuman, barbaric and wicked.
Civilians have also suffered casualties, through stray bullets or confrontation with security personnel, or mistaken identity. The situation is dicey in Imo. It is now akin to a “Police State”.
But I was glad yesterday seeing some police men guarding some roads in Owerri. We need the police for protection of lives and for allowing life to gradually return to normal in the State. So that people can do their business and fend for their dependants.
But I was saddened when I saw policemen again resorting to the old habit of extortion. Extortion at this crucial period both the police and citizens should be careful and exhibit a new behavior! Do the police not know that the masses are angry for the restriction of their freedom caused by Hoodlums? The insecurity has ofcourse affected the economic power of individuals who now spend more time at home.
I appeal that the Police Authority should please counsel their men properly that the times do not warrant acts that may inflame the situation.
And again, it is shocking that over seventy percent (70%) of vehicles in Imo are with tinted glasses.
What are these people protecting, and what are they afraid of to show their faces when in their vehicles? What is police doing about this? It is unacceptable to use vehicles with hinted glasses this period. Let everybody unveil themselves.
And, we must allow police do the civil policing for which they are thought and trained for. The military are not used to civil policing and even the society too are not used to Military-Civilian socialization.
Government should not act overwhelmed by adopting measures that will scare away the populace the more and create fear among the people.
No society exists without its population. This is because security is meant to protect the lives and property of the people.
With what happened at Chukwuma Nwaoha  Roundabout Owerri, on Wednesday, where Military men scared the life out of the citizens, the method may send the masses indoors, and the economy of the State  will collapse.
I emplore the security men to go about their duties with professionalism, where the innocent and patriots are  protected to go about their normal businesses, while the miscreants  and faceless Hoodlums either go into hiding or rot in hell. However, both the people and security personnel are part and parcel of an organized bubbling society, with each doing its jobs, for the peace, development and growth of the society, Imo State inclusive.