Imo State And Policy of “Cut-And- Join”


There is a popular saying that you don’t repeat same action and expect a different result.
“Anaghi eji Akpata Atufuo, aba ogaranya” Meaning that you don’t use the method of acquiring and throwing away to become Wealthy.
The story of Imo State, since its creation in 1976 is full of Ironies. This is a State that much was expected from, but suddenly became the boot of jesters.
Imo State which stood as one of the reference points in good Governance, development, peace and all, is now counted among the States groping in the dark. A State brimming with highly enlightened population has become docile, dumb and quiet as the ugly situation overwhelms even the most optimists.
Although it is clear that Nigeria as a whole is in dire strait, but Imo cannot be counted among the States that are living with optimism, at least within the lower rank of its populace.
However, due to partisan leanings, and means of survival, half of the population of Imo State now, with all due respect, are pronounced psycophants, just because their daily needs are sustained from Government Coffers.
Rather than say the truth and challenge those in power to do the needful, the Elders speak from both sides of their mouths, leaving the youths who see them as the last resort for the teeming suffering masses, bemused and bewildered.
Meanwhile, my worry this week is the pattern Imo chooses her Leaders, and why the State has failed the get it right, when other Southeast States like Ebonyi, Enugu and Anambra have moved to another level.
These mentioned States have “moved to another level” because a visit will convince you that whatever accrued to these States as National and internally generated revenue are marginally maximized with the pity  or fear of the masses in mind.
Unfortunately, though true, what the masses demand from the Government is too little. What else if not good roads, water, security?
The issue of Housing, Education and Health has become tall orders.
Visit Imo State this Christmas period and take a proper look at the State. The bad situation may have not started today, but the accumulative neglect has placed Imo State in a sorry State. And there seem no glimpse of hope in future.
In the first place, Imo is yet to arrive at an agreed method other “successful” States use to fish out who they make their Governors.
Although education is not everything, but Ebonyi, Anambra, Enugu, Akwa Ibom, Lagos etc have never elected any Governor that is not well educated. A certified Graduate, who had in the course of travels and readings added more to the Education of “Certificate”.
Whether we agree or not, there are elements of ingenuity in these States that tell us that whoever is or was incharge brought in some innovations.
Governance becomes a Rocket Science when the man incharge has deficiencies that lead to inferiority complex that makes the Leader go shy in employing those more read than him to help pilot the affairs of the State.
For instance in Imo State, late Governor Sam Mbakwe, a renowned Lawyer and Scholar remains unbeatable in Imo history today, because he had what to offer the masses. Any way, you don’t give what you don’t have.
Till date, Mbakwe was the first sitting Governor in Nigeria to think of Power Generating Plant.
It was only years later that Nigeria began to think of such project, which was what Mbakwe brought to Imo, at Amaraku, in today’s Mbaitoli LGA. And Imo people took it for granted and even sold the Plant to an American Company without the peoples support.
Indeed, what Mbakwe did for Imo State has continued to hunt other Governors of the State. Any Imo Governor that comes uses Mbakwe’s achievements as a yard stick, and in the end, none could raise a finger on the “Old Lawyer”.
Rather than consolidate on what Mbakwe left behind, Imo has continued to slide down in the pecking order of States in Nigeria that can stand on their own, should Nigeria stop the “Abuja Breast Feeding” called monthly Federal Allocation.
It is even more painful that despite the open fact that Imo groans under limited funds, Governors who rule the State hardly embark on projects that will increase the State’s funds, and reduce the number of unemployed youths on the streets. What have we done with Adapalm Shoe Industry, Avutu Poultry and other such establishments?
Even in Economics, production is based on goods you have comparative advantage. But in Imo State, apart from Mbakwe, in the last twenty years, no Governor has built one factory. Even to maintain or refurbish the ones built by Mbakwe has turned to drain pipes to fund bogus elections and “empower” Friends, Associates and Relations.
The most painful is that rather than complement what is on ground, new Governors demolition, and destroy the few projects started or built by their predecessors.
When Governor Achike Udenwa came, he met Imo in a sorry state, with whatever was left of it by then receding Army of occupation.
Based on the available funds, Udenwa could be said to have done enough, at least by laying a strong foundation which other coming Governors ought to have built on.
Udenwa built a few things but they are solid structures that are still in Imo uptil now.
His successor, Chief Ikedi Ohakim had class, and was even sometimes misunderstood because he saw far. Some of his projects were seen as “Elitists”, but today, Imo people know better. They have realized that Ohakim meant well.
The Ahiajoku Centre he built in New Owerri remains one of the best in the country.
The roads constructed by the Ohakim era are still there strong and going.
Ohakim built a new Government House, which was necessary then because Udenwa operated in a Duplex that does not befit a Governor. He must have stayed there due to paucity of funds. So, Ohakim improved on that.
But on the arrival of Governor Rochas Okorocha he began to duplicate nearly all that his predecessor had done. Instead of channeling such funds to other pressing problems facing the State he wanted to create personal impressions to the detriment of Imo people.
Okorocha constructed another Government House, a new Hall, abandoning the Ahiajoku Centre, and the Government House built by Ohakim.
Rather than developing the original site of the Government House in New Owerri, Okorocha partitioned and allocated out the land to cronies, Allies, Relations and friends.
Instead of allowing the existing roads that were already good, Okorocha removed the solid Concrete medians on the roads, carted them away and parked them at Owerri Industrial Layout, where they are till today.
Okorocha demolished ultra modern shopping Malls across Owerri worth Billions of Naira. One at New Stadium, one at Old Stadium, and another at Ikenegbu. He uprooted the FSP Park built by wife of Military Governor Zabairu.
The park had Halls, Churches, Children’s park, Restaurants, gyms etc. Now standing there are three white Buildings that serve no purposes to Imo people.
The then Governor also demolished Owerri Library and constructed a church there.
Unfortunately, some of these structures have been replaced after Okorocha left office at the same spot, therefore sending Imo State back in funds, energy and time.
Some of the workers employed then by previous administrations were sent packing with no reason, other than that they were employed by “Enemy Government”
While Okorocha did all these, it is not to say that his Government did not leave good things behind. But the point I am making is that some of the funds spent in demolishing these huge projects could have been plunged into other pressing ventures, since Imo State is living on meager income.
So, why waste stupendous funds on frivolous projects, when the State can gain more from such wastes if properly spent?
An elected Governor has a stipulated period of time to remain in office, and they should all times execute ideas that would be for the overriding interests of the majority, and not at the whims and caprices of an elected officer that Must leave office when the time is due.
Governor Hope Uzodinma who is there now has been lamenting of lack of funds, and has not been up to date with workers salaries and pension allowances.
But behold! Before Uzodinma could commission one project of his own to add to what he met on ground, he has demolished a Specialist Hospital built by Okorocha with Imo tax payers’ money. A building running into Billions of Naira.
Uzodinma who is yet to complete any major road in the State since he assumed office began by demolishing the Tunnels his predecessor constructed with Imo people’s money.
The question is; can’t these demolished projects be reconstructed or even rehabilitated to “Standard” than waste Imo scarce resources “Just Like that”?, according to FELA.
After Okorocha left, Imo people had heaved a sigh of relief that whoever is coming after him will continue with some of his projects, than demolish existing ones, so that the State can save some funds and thrive to be like other neighboring States that have found their bearings.
When will Imo State stop these wastages? Imo Governors should stop the battle of vengeance with Imo funds.
Okorocha who thought life begins and ends with being a Governor has now realized that only change remains steady.
Therefore, Uzodinma should also remember that whatever he does today will remain to haunt and hunt him tomorrow.
At no time did Okorocha ever think that his projects would be demolished by another Governor, just as he did to others’.
But one unfortunate thing is that Imo State and what comes to Imo State belong to her people and the State, not to the periodic elected Governors who waste the Scarce Resources. Therefore, any Governor at any point in time must bear in mind that he/she is in that office for a certain period and should listen to the masses, whose funds he/she is spending on behalf of the people. Imo people are tired of their Governors wasting their scarce resources in pursuance of personal ego wars that do the State no good.