Fallouts from Free Education Policy


One of the thorny executive actions inherited by the government of Owelle Rochas Okorocha is the legacy of 10,000jobs for Imo youths, a (political) fallout from the immediate past administration.  Given the figure on the ground as at now, 10,000 is like a tip of the ice-berg as thousands of young men and women continue to pour into the already saturated labour market after their NYSC programme.

In every society however, youth idleness is a social cancer which does not only distort laudable policies and programmes of any administration but engineers a state of insecurity.

Because Nigerian leaders are addicted to fawning aides and praise singers, no efforts should be spared to remind them that keeping educated segment of the society idle is an inflammable situation liable to explode unceremoniously.

It is not enough to splash free education scheme on the masses without adequate provisions for increased job opportunities.  Unless this is done, the grandiose executive action pales to a cheap political gimmick.  Nigerians must not forget that human beings become restless as water when they are not gainfully engaged.  To create orderly and peaceful society, job creation efforts by any administration must match the positive and negative fallouts from its free education policy. In other words, free education not conceived and executed this way worsens the unemployment crisis.

Government should have recourse to more radical approaches to end or minimize the agony of the teeming unemployed whose popular routine is trailing relations and friends for succour.  True, unemployment nurtures delayed adolescence as one incapable of providing his basic needs cannot be truly classified as a responsible adult.  These jobless graduates particularly the ageing ones hit the retirement age in the public sector while combing the streets for jobs that are not there in an inflation-ridden economy.

However, it is a fact of life that full employment is not possible anywhere in the world unless the guise of it.  But a number of countries with more pronounced humane socio-economic policies operate welfare schemes like unemployment benefits.  Others notably the United States of America in addition to this, adopt what is known as national poverty line which in 1979 was an annual income for a family of four which is a little above $9, 000.  Unfortunately,Nigeriahas no such socio-economic blueprint which guides policy formulators in determining fiscal and welfare schemes.

In the uncharitable circumstances the nation finds itself today, what bars the government initiating and implementing some forms of palliatives no matter how meager to douse the pains of joblessness and frustration?  The projection becomes critically relevant in an environment where urbanization and modern living have gradually eroded the hitherto more caring and compassionate extended family system in some Nigerian communities.  The mooted socio-economic policy cannot be put off much longer now that the country is still swimming in petrodollars.  Once this is done, crime rate must surely drop as no gainfully employed man or woman would subscribe to violent crimes like armed robbery, car snatching, kidnapping or homicide which may claim his or her life.

Payment of unemployment stipend should be welcomed as a panacea to years of waging a futile war against the silhouette, in this case, the effect and not the outright causes of the criminal act.  There is little doubt that the scheme will be welcomed with applause as many Nigerians have become to predispose too exchange anything for the prevailing state of insecurity.

It is hoped that the various tiers of government, oil prospecting and drilling companies, other corporate bodies, top cadres in private and public sectors among others will buy the idea to address unemployment, its pains and tears.






Te chairman, Imo State Council of Traditional Rulers, Eze Imo, HRH Eze Samuel Ohiri should please clarify for public consumption who among the traditional rulers is entitled to append either HRH or HRM to his name  and why?

Historically, Igbos are core republicans to the extent that the institution of traditional rulership is not culturally acceptable in some Igbo communities.

It sounds unbelievable that the Emir of Kano, Alhaji Ado Bayero goes by HRH and not HRM.  It becomes more baffling when one realizes that the landmass of the Emir of Kano’s kingdom is greater than that of Imo state and yet he is addressed as HRH, Alhaji Ado Bayero.  Eze Imo should also explain to Imolites the suitability culturally of Moslems being traditional rulers in Igbo ethnic homeland?  Does a Moslem fit in as an Eze since the traditional rulers are the custodians of the peoples’ culture and tradition?

Do you think, Your Royal Highness that a Christian can become either an Oba or Emir in a predominant Muslim community in the Western or Northern parts ofNigeria?

Agwunsi Anele

Abia state




Free Education for Police Dog School?

As an ardent lover of pets, each time I drove past the Dog Section of the Nigeria Police close to Mbaise Police headquarters in Owerri, my heart melts with indescribable joy not easily imagined.

Police lecturers usually liter the sprawling premises doing one thing or the other.  Others lounge around under tree shades whiling away time.

These days, I no longer see them outside.  When I wondered aloud, a friend speculated that the lecturers are busier now because the new academic year has just begun.  Another by his side hinted that admission of new dogs is in progress. The latter information heightened my curiosity which is why this letter is being written.

Is the admission of new students still on?  If it is, how long will it last?  Are there any arrangement to accommodate off campus student-dogs?

Please, Mr dog principal, communicate this information to the public as dog-lovers are anxious to expose their pets to training by experts in your school.

Is there any increase in fees?  Or better does the compulsory free education policy of the Rescue Mission administration cover the student dogs too?  Someone suggested this last week in a public lecture on the free education policy of the Imo state government.

Ogbuagu Ukachi
