As an organization, we believe that never in the history of the world would darkness triumph over light and that is why Orluzurumee youths chose to wait and watch the events that played out with respect to your swearing in Hon Eugine Dibiagwu as the House Member for Oguta LGA which over time had no representative. Now that Oguta is believed to have a voice, we urge you not to toe the line of most of the house members including the leadership of the house which has made the legislative arm of the government a shadow of what it should be. We congratulate you for having the mandate of Oguta people and urge you to embrace all irrespective of political affiliation while we equally expect you to be answerable to the people who collectively gave you their mandate to respect them through your activities in the house not excluding the quality of laws and its impact on the common man you shall assent to.
Imo Must Be Better in Jesus name.