The Wisdom In Iwunze’s Decision


wisdom iwunze
By onwudiwe c. Onwudiwe

One Igbo adage has it to say that “A Surviving child has no need for a fortune Teller” In otherwise, a seven year experienced dog in a hunting outing will always show its mastery threat to its prey”.
Although before God, all men are created equal, and because God created man in His own Image, man therefore is expected to keep God’s commandment. But unfortunately, when man was deceived by the commandments of the flesh, God regretted creating man.
Carnally, because of what the ordinary mind can see, man believed that there are men who are greater than others without taking into cognizance of what was written in Romans 5 vs 15 – 16 thus: I will have mercy on whom I have mercy, and will have compassion on whom I have compassion” it does not therefore, depend on man’s desire or effort, but on God’s Mercy”.
However, satirically, it was confirmed in the Animal Farm which said that all Animals are equal but snowball went a little further to assert that some animals are greater than others.
Going by the human wisdom, the ability to agree on the above depends on personal experience, understanding, family background, spiritual endowment, educational background, financial position, intelligent quocent, just to mention but a few.
Frankly speaking, Simeon Iwunze was one of those few who are endowed with discerning spirit to take decision of any sort at any particular point in time.
As I was reliably informed by somebody who is very close to the Hon member representing Isiala Mbano State Constituency in Imo State House of Assembly, Barrister Iwunze on how he was approached some few days before the state PDP tour to Isiala Mbano recently on the bases of sensitization, urging Iwunze on the need to mobilize his own supporters for the occasion at Anara Central School.
According to the source, the person went ahead persuading Iwunze on the beauty of the idea as that will go a long way boasting his aspiration for the position of Okigwe North Federal Constituency struggle come 2015.
Iwunze being an autonomous minded fellow, and who never relied on the heteronymous decision bearing in mind that “when he starts, people will know that he has started, and when he goes, people will know where he was going” turned the request down.
Low and behold, on that fateful day, every ward in Isiaia Mbano were thickly represented in their various canopies as if it was a campaign or declaration day for aspirants.
Many aspirants were there, those who are not there were represented by their supporters with banners showing the inscription of those they are supporting.
As a matter of fact, so many things happened that day, but what catched my attention was the way and manner a group of youths with white polio were singing infuriating songs in the arena as though it was a do or die affair.
To be precise, the derogatory chanting of songs with the name of their masters’ opponent to me was a demonstration of ignorance and youthful exuberance at this early state when the polity has not been heated. Of course this also has confirmed the old saying that “when a child is presented with bathing water, he will always concentrate on his or her belly”.
Funny enough what was written on the banner of those youths who are singing was ” Obinna” for House of Representative.
When I asked who was this Obinna, the answer I got around xwas “oh” so you don’t know him? He is the son of Onwubuariri (TPM) from Amaraku – the boy that built three “duplex” in six months, and other powerful investments outside Imo state. “This is the boy that will compete with “Whiteman” money for money. The person continued.
On hearing what they said he has done both home and abroad, I was damn happy to an extent.
Analytically, the attitude of the said Obinna’s supporters at the rally, and the answer I got from around me on why he is coming out for this contest suggests the state of mind of the said Obinna (the aspirant) made me to wonder how the 2015 politics will look like if not well managed by the political gladiators even though in my heart of hearts, I know that “it is only the eye of a child that will fear a painted devil”.
Ideally, politics should be played like a game of football, and that between husband and wife, or somehow an academic arena where the new breed politicians will learn from the old breeds, by that, a better society would have emerge.
The implication of this message is that assuming Hon. Iwunze is the type who is moved by the decision of the hetronomous generation or the bandwagon type, and probably succumbed to the request as suggested to him on the need to alert his supporters for the occasion of the state PDP sensitization tour, and eventually confronted the supporters of the other group who were chanting fowl songs with the Hon. Member’s name, only God knows what would have happened hence when strength and strength meets there will always be altercation.
Obviously, the supporters of the sitting Hon. Members cannot fold their arms and watch the opposing group derogating their masters name especially in this our youthful millennium age.
In such a situation, the enemies of the Hon. who are laying ambush for an excuse to discredit his name which has caused him fortune to build.
To God be the glory, his decision to shun the request of alerting his supporters did not come as a surprise considering what the scripture says in psalm 125 vs I which says: “Those who trust in the Lord are like mount Zion which cannot be moved, but abides forever” Proverb 1 vs 5: “The wise man may hear and increase in learning, and the man of understanding acquire skill”.
Although Hon Iwunze did not come with any fanfare that day, but as soon as he arrived at the arena, the environment changed in grand style with supporters pestering around him to show solidarity.
Power they say is very infections especially when one has been identified as a success story. “Either by commission or omission the only person Goat recognizes is the person carrying palm fronts”. People’s psychomotor domain suggests that Iwunze is the most credible person for the Okigwe North Federal Constituency, so what Iwunze needs to do is just a little step ahead and you see heavens open. I- am sure he knows this in spite of tongue wagging around.
The true position is that anybody loved by everybody is gone for whether you like it or not. Historically, Iwunze I know has passed through a well disciplined political tutelage.
He is not afraid of the number of people coming out for the same position he is vying for, after all man should know very well in time of war hence “war is a biological necessity of life which without it, there will be remarkable evolution”.
There are two people contesting for this Okigwe North Federal Constituency come 2015 – Iwunze and others”. This is the bitter truth. I am sorry I have deviated.
Back to the state PDP tour to Isiala Mbano. After delivering the message for which that tour was meant for by Jerry Chukwuneke, Hon. Iwunze was invited to mount the podium for his speech.
There, he thanked the team that visited Isiala Mbano and reiterated his continued support and his undiluted loyalty to his great party PDP from Bamanga Tukur down to state, Local, Ward levels.
He expressed confidence that PDP as usual will support his future aspirations as it has always done in the past and to his present position as a ranking House member.
Politics as we know is a matter of lets go, but the days of rented crowd in politics has gone. This is true because after pondering on why the supporters of a first timer in polities should demonstrate in such an unruly manner to somebody who don’t even care whether anybody is coming out or not, I began to ask if there was an existing squabble or could it be associated with that errand men who were trying to satisfy the mind of their masters who appointed them.
Ascending to source, the Hon. Member has a blood relationship with the father of “Obinna”, and reliably also Iwunze used to be very fair to the father even during his days as Chairman of Isiala Mbano L.G.A
That somebody is a money bag at the first instance should not be a yardstick to determine his or her chances of winning people’s mandate, rather track record and where he is coming from has a big role to play in today’s politics.
Okigwe North as an entity has outgrown the politics of enfantiasm only to go there and start fighting before the hallow chambers or be seen as a back bencher as revealed in the past.
As reliably informed, that Obinna’s father is respected in his community. An educationist, who has served his people very well in the past, in fact, a renowned community leader. What could prompt the supporters of the young boy to be using the Hon members name with reckless abandon demand an unreserved explanation or should we see it as one of those things in politics?
If I may advice, the new breed politicians, who are appearing for the first time in capturing any political position come 2015, their behavior both in public and private must gear towards eradicating the political ills in the country which Jeopardized our country and also to put an end to political blindness of our people by developing the people’s political mentality and making them to be conscious of their fundamental human right.
For Iwunze, he is a hardnut to craked. At the State House of Assembly, you cannot throw-away his ideas with a wave of hands. He is doing the people of Isiala Mbano proud.
A prophet is not without honour in his place. I challenge the people of Isiala Mbano to make a visit to the House of Assembly and be a witness to the prowess of Iwunze’s legislative activities and his oversight functions by then they will be convinced that actually Iwunze is every man in one man.
“You must approach the unknown, study the unknown, than condemning the unknown outright”.
That has a good rapour with the Governor is not a crime. After all the people of Isiala Mbano did not send him to the House to go and fight the governor, rather to attract good things for his people and that he is doing.
Above all, Hon. Iwunze deserves to be recommended for his decision on the day of State PDP visit to Isiala Mbano, and also be urged to continue to be focused, courageous, and fearless in his duties as a law maker, as one with God is majority.
“He who is not wise should go to the land of termite and learn how to be wise”.