BABA-NA-BABA ON 2015 VIBES As The Race For Ahiazu/Ezinihitte Fed Constituency Begins(1)



Ahiazu/Ezinihitte Federal Constituency is one of the ten federal constituencies in Imo State where candidates seek the mandate of the constituents to be their representative at the lower chamber of the National Assembly in Abuja.
Due to the Ahiazu and Ezinihitte divide, the federal constituency has a peculiar arrangement where the position in alternated between the two LGAs in Mbaise Clan. Late Hon Tony Anyanwu from Ahiazu LGA started the rotation is 1999 before he bowed out in 2003. It became the turn of Ezinihitte LGA and Hon Independence Ogulewe took over. After his first tenure, Ogulewe was lucky to have another term before the incumbent, Chief Raphael Nnana Igbokwe came on board two years ago.
As the hand of the clock is tickling in 2015, there have been noticeable political under currents in the area which tends to show that the 2015 struggle for who would represent Ahiazu/Ezinihitte Federal Constituency will be interesting. Definitely anybody who emerges victorious by 2015 needs to start now to guard his loins for the task ahead. Already, interested bidders including the incumbent are said to be warming up for the show.
Chief Igbokwe is said to be working hard to return. Political pundits may not be disturbed that the former lawmaker who represented Ahiazu State Constituency in the Imo State House of Assembly wants another tenure. Taking into consideration the circumstances that characterized his stay at the Abuja Green Chambers, the lawmaker deserves another chance to represent the interest of his people.
Igbokwe for a greater part of his stay witnessed turbulent times which forced him to witness interrupted representation since 2011 he was elected. Moments after he was declared winner, his challengers went to tribunal and other appellate courts to contest his electoral victory. The court proceedings lasted for some years and in one of the judgments, Igbokwe’s mandate was nullified and fresh election arranged again. In spite of the might of the ruling APGA in the state, Igbokwe reclaimed his victory again at the pools before one of his main challengers rushed to the courts on phantom charges that borders on certificate forgery. But Igbokwe came out unscathed and has continued to deliver dividends of democracy after the temporary setback.
Apart from the sponsorship of people-oriented bills that are likely to touch on the lives of his constituents, Igbokwe has attracted constituency projects and extended empowerment programmes to several Ahiazu/Ezinihitte people. Yours truly witnessed the heartwarming empowerment programmes Igbokwe made during his recent constituency briefing in the area. He has also become a stop gap for people of his Federal Constituency in Abuja by providing necessary job and contracts for unemployed youths of Ahiazu/Ezinihitte. The propelling force advancing Igbokwe’s second term bid cannot be divorced from the fact that his immediate predecessor, Ogulewe had eight uninterrupted years at the National Assembly and coupled with the fact that Ahiazu LGA where he hails from may be entitled to another time in the rational arrangement with Ezinihitte LGA.
The number of formidable forces and those nursing ambition to continue from where Igbokwe stopped indicates that the lawmaker who is of PDP extraction will go extra miles to achieve his second term ambition in 2015.
Aside from personal desires, those challenging Igbokwe may have their reasons for wanting to halt his future second term political career. Their quests to stop Igbokwe from continuing after 2015 may not be unconnected to the Mmanu Akara di uto, onye ratu ibe ya, aratu, factor (bean cake is sweet, when you taste it, the next person should also taste). Since Igbokwe represented Ahiazu 2003-2007 and merited the Reps position 2011 when it was the turn of Ahiazu in the sharing formula, his new challengers may be opposed to his continued dominance of elective positions in the area.
Leading the pack of those willing to give Igbokwe a run for his money for Ahiazu/Ezinihitte Federal Constituency seat is the Chairman of Federal Road Safety Commission (FRSC), Chief Felix Chukwu, the daughter of late Senator Tony Anyanwu, Doris Anyanwu, Chief Victor Ihenacho, Dr Nwoga, James Okoroma and other interested bidders who are yet to make their intentions public.
Chief Chukwu is gaining prominence in Mbaise politics due to his wide connection, contact and filial relationship with Dr John Chukwu, a permanent secretary in the presidency. Following the elevated position of Dr John Chukwu, his brother, Felix has turned to be a political attraction in Ahiazu/Ezinihitte Federal Constituency. With the needed logistics to win supporters, Chukwu is a fire-brand, well qualified and a personality without questionable credentials.
Apart from the esteemed interest of the Chukwu family of Amuzi, Felix has not soiled his hands in the local points where some prominent politicians have dented their image. However, Chukwu’s fresh status could be his albatross as he may be forced to make sacrifices as a new comer to elective and partisan politics in the state. His improper knowledge of the grassroots structures and local politics unlike Igbokwe who is a seasoned politician and local mobilizer, will undoubtedly expose him to political hawks willing to exploit his poor knowledge of the political terrain in the Federal Constituency.
Besides, the old fashioned “money politics” may not work out for him in the coming era as the voting masses are becoming wiser by jettisoning money-bags during polls.
Determined to continue the family history of politics, Lady Doris Anyanwu has not hidden her desire to step into the shoes created by her late father, Senator Anyanwu and uncle, Hon Tony Anyanwu (Jnr) who represented the federal constituency at the return of democracy in 1999. The delectable lady is determined to be Ahiazu/Mbaise representative at the National Assembly come 2015. She is reported to be using the old structures, contact and connection of the late father who represented Owerri Zone at the Upper Chambers of the National Assembly. Said to be humane and a seasoned grassroot mobilizer, Doris Anyanwu is not disturbed by her esteemed background as she relates with the less-privileged and down trodden in the society. Doris Anyanwu uses her feminine posture to relate with all. She is said to be upbeat about the contest and gaining grounds daily. Very popular and with age on her side, Doris is already drawing attention too. However, her constituents are worried that after the father and brother represented Owerri Zone and Ahiazu/Ezinihitte Federal Constituency respectively, she wants to continue the family legacy of serving the people.
While Igbokwe, Chukwu and Anyanwu may be of PDP stock, others like Ihenacho and Nwoga are of APC. By next week this commentary will continue and the focus will be on them.