

APC and National Interest
When some of the existing political parties in the country announced their fusing together under the umbrella of the All Progressive Congress, APC, many Nigerians heived signs of relief.
The reason for this actually is simple and well understood to mean having a very strong opposition against the Peoples Democratic Party, PDP.
Others also were happy because of the thinking that a strong alternative platform has emerged in the polity to create more opportunities for aspiring politicians.
But the recent happenings and activities in the APC and of the APC is leaving some doubt as the brain behind the formation of the party.
It appears that the masses are once again going to be cajoled into a wash-wash deal which may turn to be a life bomb after all.
May be the All Progressive Congress may hire image launderers to start right away to launder its image as the vituperations and actions of some of its leaders have become so worrisome as to actually situate what the party is up to.
Be it as it may, politicians are the same irrespective of whichever umbrella they hide. Just as a black is a black irrespective of the quantum of bleaching cream that one may apply.
It is ridiculous that a political party which says that it has come to salvage the poor masses will only concentrate in criticizing every action of government rather than seat down and strategise on how to strengthen itself ahead of future elections in the country.
How can a political party which says that it has come to redefine the Nigerian economy and governance concentrate only on how President Goodluck Jonathan should be removed from office?
That is absurd and an indication that the APC crusaders may be hired mercenaries who are dancing to the drum beats of their masters.
In as much as we do not have the right to query this marriage of convenience between the Hausas, Yorubas and a figment of the Ibos, it is time to inform the Northerners that the Presidency of this country is not the birthright of any group or tribe in this country.
Unfortunately these same people in APC who are calling for the head of President Jonathan had been this or that at one point and yet they failed to do miracles during those days.

The survival and unity of Nigeria should be paramount to every genuine citizen of this country and the only way to achieve it is by joining forces together to move ahead.
But anybody or group thinking that the way out is through brigandry, criticisms, setting up confusion and crisis should see itself as a failure on arrival.
Therefore, it is instructive to challenge the APC to inform Nigerians in concrete terms what magic wand it has against moving Nigeria to the next level rather than distracting the presidency through induced and sponsored criticisms and crisis across the country.

Make APC Formidable in Imo State
The emergence of All Progressive Congress APC into the Nigerian political scene is a welcome development. All patriotic and democratically minded. Nigerians Okayed and welcomed the new party because it has come to correct the imbalance in size and spread of political parties in the country.
We in Imo State whole-heartedly embraced the party because our amiable Governor Owelle Rochas Okorocha is one of the leaders that ‘midwife’ the party. All the members of the parties that merged into APC in the state have enthusiastically been waiting for formalization and consummation of the necessary steps and measures to produce the chemical reactions to make the fusion of the parties an inseparable compound mixture.
Imo State is fortunate to have a top ranking leader of APC as her Governor. The State can comfortably be described as an APC State in the South East Zone.
Members of the merging parties are anxiously looking forward to a thorough and equitable harmonization of the fusing parties and to a formidable State Government executive council of the APC administration in the State.
Fortunately, our able Governor dissolved his last executive council shortly before the INEC officially announced the registration of APC as a political party. The expectation of all and sundry is that appointments into the Governor’s new executive council and future political appointments in the State will reflect APC as die governing party.
This hope appeared to be shaken as the recent appointments into boards, commissions and commissioner nominees into the State executive council do not include the members of all the merging parties in APC. It is believed that His Excellency the Governor realizes that his appointment to members of APC including members of the merging parties is one sure way of showing that the APC merger has come to stay.
I would like to advise that further delay in harmonizing the merging parties will be dangerous to the merger. Undue delay and reluctance to appoint members of merging parties to serve in different capacities in the State will inadvertently create fear and doubts in their minds and they would be asking whether they are regarded as full members of the new party.
Let us build a formidable APC in Imo State. There are hundreds of thousands of patriots waiting to work with Owelle Rochas Okoroacha to make Imo State and Nigeria great. This is the time to call up these zealous patriots and re-assure them that they are co- owners of the new party.

Opera Ekechi, 08035532745