Owerri Women Group Rejects Ex-President, Ndukwe Application for Registration



The leadership tussle ravaging Udodiri Ndom Owere, the apex women organization in Owerri Municipality, took a new turn last Thursday when the executives of the group drawn from the five villages in Owere Nichi Ise unanimously rejected moves by the group to be registered.

In a letter dated May 1st, 2013, addressed to the Registrar General, Corporate Affairs Commission, Abuja and endorsed by Presidents and Secretaries of the group in the five villages, they discountenanced a Christian Voice Newspaper edition of April 27 to May 4, 2013, signed by Ndukwe Nnawuchi, (SAN), who is believed to be acting on the instructions of the out-going President General, Udodiri Ndom Owere Community Assembly, Mrs. Comfort Mere.

The women queried the motive by Mrs. Mere, acting through the SAN to register the group with the CAC. They anchored their grouse on the grounds that the constitution of the Association does not provide for registration with the Corporate Affairs Commission.

Further, they contend that there was no consultation with the executives of the branches of the Association in the five villages of Owerri neither was there any meeting summoned and therefore no resolution was passed mandating the outgoing central executive of the association to register with the Corporate Affairs Commission.

“The constitution of the association does not provide for the appointment of an out-going president-General or for that matter any central executive member into the so-called Board of Trustees” the letter stated.

They advised the CAC not to register the afore-said association as requested through Ndukwe Nnawuchi, SAN, describing it as an illegal move which does not enjoy the mandate of the generality of Udodiri Ndom Owere Community Assembly.