Mission Africa Begins Free Eye Care in Imo


An international non governmental organization, the Mission Africa, has concluded arrangements to undertake a free-eye treatment in Imo State.
Briefing members of the Independent Newspapers publishers Association, INPA, at its Owerri office the forces behind Mission Africa, George Ikoro Chuku and Ndudi Chuku said that it is part of their welfare programme to reach out to the masses in the society.
Chuku who is the chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Mission and based in USA said that it is the solemn resolve of the non-profit organization to be involved in the education, healthcare needs of people across the globe as well as engaging in poverty alleviation which is essential to building thriving communities.
The Mission Africa since its creation has along with its partners has provided education and health services to children and families in the remote villages of Nigeria, Tanzania, Uganda and Kenya in order to combat the inequity and poverty that these communities face.
According to the founders, Ikoro and Ndudi Chuku, born and raised of Igbo tribe of Eastern Nigeria, the aim of Mission Africa is to empower citizens and strengthen families by investing in three care areas of education, healthcare and poverty alleviation as well as a commitment to empowering youth.
In education, Mission Africa feels it is the key to ending generational poverty while fundamentals to creating strong, healthy lives and fighting poverty through technology and skills building respectively.
Apart from same pilot educational projects in Azaraegbelu Owerri North LGA of Imo, Mission Africa which will be officially unveiled in Imo State on Saturday at links hotel, Owerri will handle free eye treatment where medicated eye glasses and drugs will be offered to these suffering eye-related sicknesses at Egbu in Owerri North LGA.