Lastline The Meteoric Rise of Owerri Political Group (OZOPOLF)



It was some time last year that I got a terse text message inviting me to a political meeting some where at New Owerri, Imo State. The message came some months after the general election, when people were getting bored of staying inside the house without “actions” any where.


Therefore, I was one of the curious lots who stormed Chief Charles Amadi’s palatial home at New Owerri for the maiden meeting of what has today morphed into Owerri Zonal Leaders Political Forum, OZOPOLF.


At that initial meeting, only a sprinkle of top Owerri politicians attended. They include Dr Mrs Kema Chikwe, Chief Charlton Osuagwu, Hon Blyden Amajirionwu, Chief Stone Oparaku, Chief Paul Nnawuchi, Prof Jude Njoku, Dr Charles Anokwa, Hon Gerry Ogu, Chief Vitalis Ogueri, Captain Arinze, Mrs Sheryl Amaonu, Dr Joe Chibundu, Bar Bethel Nzimako, Bar Kingsley Ononuju and so many others.


It was at this meeting that the host, Chief Charles Amadi made known his intention of gathering the politicians of Owerri estraction. Chief Amadi, who hails from Eziama, in Ikeduru LGA, informed his guests that the only purpose for which he invited them was to intimate them of his thinking; how to champion a Governorship of Owerri zone estraction come 2015.


Amadi’s disclosure elicited a lot of reactions from the crowd, which filled his large living room to the brim. There were diverse opinions. The reason being that a lot of those who were present at the occasion were not aware of the agenda of the meeting. And this includes people from different political parties.


However, Amadi’s proposal received enough support that warranted another meeting, at which time, those who belonged to other political parties and were uncomfortable with the Group’s agenda, absented themselves.


These were particularly members of All Progressives Grand Alliance APGA, the ruling party in the state, who believed that the OZOPOLF was against their own ambitions and political leanings.


Infact, when some body put the question whether OZOPOLF was meant for members of a particular political party, Chief Charlton Osuagwu replied that OZOPOLF was only for Owerri people who believe that the zone should produce the next Governor. Political parties do not matter, he said.


During the second meeting which also took place inside Amadi’s palour, the issue of name to be given the Association arose. In the end, after lengthy deliberations, the Body resolved to be known and addressed as Owerri Zonal Leaders Political Forum (OZOPOLF) and a committee with the likes of Bar Kingsley Onunuju was constituted to see to the registration of the Body.


It was reiterated that OZOPOLF was open for all Owerri zone politicians who want to pursue the Governorship seat of Imo state. And the Body agreed that nothing should come on its way to derail the only reason for which the Association was formed.


At the Third meeting, the gathering was too much that the large living room of Chief Amadi could not contain the mammoth crowd. Therefore, the meeting was held in the open ground in front of the house.


But one significant thing about this particular day was that, while the Amadi crowd was holding sway at New Owerri, another group, led by Major General Ogbonna, (rtd) was holding another meeting some where opposite Owerri Girls Secondary School, PortHarcourt Road, Owerri. I had to also visit that one to gauge the level of its attendant and caliber of personalities present. Although prominent Owerri sons and daughters were at the General Ogbonna “faction”, but they were “old school” while the Amadi side was full of “Young Turks”, brilliant, rich and gangling politicians of Owerri zone.


As I stumbled into the “Owerri Girls” meeting, I was given a good reception, but while there, I was telling the younger elements there that what I saw at Amadi’s compound was heart-lifting. And left after spending some moments there, and headed back to New Owerri.


Before I could spend ten minutes in Amadi’s house, I saw nearly all those I met at the General Ogbonna Camp trooping into Amadi’s house.


It was later that I learnt that an old political War Horse, from Ikeduru LGA, was told that Amadi was calling meetings of Owerri zone which attracted alot of crowd.


The Ikeduru Chief was told, I learnt, that if he allowed Amadi with his meetings, the young Charles Amadi would send him into early political retirement. Therefore, the only option left was to sponsor a parallel meeting, with a venue near Amadi’s place, using the same Governorship lingo as a vehicle also.


That was how the General Ogbonna “faction” emerged and scheduled a meeting same day, same time with that of Amadi’s Group.


However, as I write now, the Ogbonna Sham ended after that singular meeting, and even the acclaimed retired General is today one of the Elders of OZOPOLF.

Of significance is that today, the meeting which started in Chief Charles Amad’s palour some months ago, with a few persons present has grown too large that its meetings are now held in a large field behind Amadi’s house, with people always standing, no matter the number of chairs provided.


The New Year first meeting of the Group which held penultimate Sunday was unprecedented. The crowd was too large that vehicles parked as far as two kilometers from the usual venue.


It is a physical and spiritual indication that OZOPOLF is growing in leaps. It shows that the dream is gradually becoming a reality.


In the New Year meeting, Orlu and Okigwe zones were ably represented by prominent sons and daughters from these sister zones. And they all spoke with one voice; Owerri has been marginalized in the Governorship project of Imo state.


While Chief Don Mgbe spoke for Orlu Zone, Hon Jasper Ndubuaku and Sir George Egu spoke for Okigwe zone.


However, both brother zones made it clear that while they support Owerri for their quest in 2015 Imo Governorship seat, it is the responsibility of Owerri to show seriousness over the matter, as power is not given on a platter, but fought for.


However, it must be stated here that the zeal and commitment shown by members of OZOPOLF towards this Agenda of Imo 2015 is legendary. It is in OZOPOLF meetings that I see politicians compuct themselves, without begging for pittance. Instead, at OZOPOLF, apart from contributions from the leaders, members carry out functions without seeking for rewards or repayment.


As I write, OZOPOLF has inaugurated leaders from Wards to Council levels. There is no body from Owerri zone who will say that he or she has not heard about OZOPOLF. The body has produced T-Shirts, Stickers, Calendars, Caps, Biros and what have you. And how these products were produced, remains a mystery as no singular person has come out to claim that he or she is the maximum leader.

Chief Charles Amadi himself, the Convener of the Body is as simple as his wife, and does not throw airs around him.


Because of Amadi’s easy mien and candour those who are around him, and pilot the affairs of OZOPOLF have been forced to jettison their arrogant and “Big man” attitudes to make things flow naturally in OZOPOLF.


But despite these eulogies, it is not yet Uhuru for OZOPOLF. Many reasons abound for my postulations. Many people had thought that the Body would not have grown any where farther than New Owerri. But today every “living” Owerri man identifies with the Body. Does the Body think all are happy with its growth?


OZOPOLF has only one Agenda, which is to facilitate the emergence of an Owerri man/woman as Governor of Imo state in 2015. Does the Body think those whose ambitions are at risk with the emergence of OZOPOLF will sleep quietly?


It is usually easy to manage an organization with a few members. Now that OZOPOLF is growing in number every day, are its leaders adjusting and ready for implosion that may hit the Body with its expansions?


Now that the 2015 is fast approaching, is OZOPOLF immune to carrots that may be dangled in the form of “gifts” from candidates who may want to use the Body to actualize their dreams?

What is the Chancellor, Chief Charles Amadi doing to let the teeming members know that OZOPOLF is not his private “Firm” established to project himself into political limelight in the zone and the state?


Has Amadi allayed the fear within members that he may be working for a candidate, who may have been funding the Body secretly and would reap the reward at the appointed time?


Is OZOPOLF a vehicle to reach Douglas House in 2015, after which it would be abandoned on the road?


What is the assurance that when come comes to become members of the Executive and Coordinators of OZOPOLF would not abandon the general goal of the Body and go partisan in support of individual candidates come 2015?


Questions, questions and questions, but only the future will give the answer.

However, what is not in doubt is that apart from Owelle Rochas Okorocha, the maximum Ruler of Imo State and the Peoples Democratic Party PDP, the other biggest organization in Imo state today is OZOPOLF. If you think other wise, attend any of its meetings and see.


What I would advise the Body is that since it is certain it will contribute to the making of who becomes the Governor of Imo State in 2015, the Body should shine its eyes in picking a candidate.


Imo in the last two years has passed through another realm of governance, and the people can attest themselves, what goods they have derived, and that which has wounded them.


In 2015, Imo needs a Governor that has an address before plunging into politics. A mature human being in the head, not by age. A man whose thinking would be higher than those he is leading. A Governor who would not be pursuing Grasshopper while carrying Elephant on his head. A man restless to deliver, not a Governor who would Con us and use our common wealth to feather his own nest. And Owerri has people with these sterling qualities. It remains how to arrive on this particular man or woman.