Moudline Durueke, Security Officer, Appears in Court, With Defendants Pleading Sickness



The Chief Security Officer (CSO) from the Imo Civil Guard who was allegedly harassed sexually when posted to the Imo State Ministry for Homeland Security and Vigilante Affairs, Ms. Moudline Durueke, has appeared at the National Industrial Court of Nigeria holding in Owerri. Amidst reported threats from people associated with the defendants and in the face of suspension from Commissioner Osakwe of the Ministry, she showed up with her lawyer, Barrister Justin Okoro, to begin a brave journey through the legal system towards justice over alleged sexual harassment, hostile work environment, and gender-based discrimination, as well as retaliation.

Durueke had filed a suit against Mr. Christian Chukwuma Osuagwu (HOD Accounts at the Ministry) and Mr. Laz Okechukwu Onuegwunwoke (DAF and Covering Perm Sec at the Ministry).

The historic suit offers a chance for the Defendants to defend themselves and offers Durueke an opportunity to seek both compensatory and punitive damages in an unbiased court of competent jurisdiction.

When the case filed on June 11, 2024 as Suit No NICN/OW17/2024, was called up on Friday, July 19, 2024, Durueke and her equally brave lawyer answered present, ready to commence trial.

However, the defendants, who had belittled the security officer’s pursuit of justice, did not show up on the first day of hearing. The all-powerful male defendants were no where to be found, until the Assistant Director in the Ministry of Justice, Civil Litigation, Barrister Ngozi Ihekwe, sent in a letter on behalf of the defendants seeking adjournment based on health grounds! They avoided the presence of media men who had come on the first day of case mention in court to witness and write about the case.

The Magistrate, after ascertaining that Durueke and her lawyer were ready for the case, adjourned the case to August 16, 2024.

In his remarks after the case mention, Durueke’s lawyer, Bar Okoro, confirmed that he has made relevant Cedar Law Contacts concerning the Equal Opportunity Act of 2010, which aims to make public life free from discrimination, sexual harassment and victimization.

He explained that the law provides avenues for people to resolve complaints, and outlined the role in helping Governments, Businesses and Communities to identify and eliminate discrimination, sexual harassment and victimization, promising to ensure that his client gets justice.

World over, many human rights commissions and civil liberties groups advocate that people should be able to stand up for their rights, or help others to do so, without being treated badly in return. But sometimes people don’t speak out because they worry about retaliation, such as losing their jobs, being bullied and threatened, being refused service, and in the case of Durueke, being suspended with loss of income. Relevant Cedar Laws protect people from such victimization.

So far in this matter, Durueke has been told by the Office of the Head of Service that sexual harrasement is a “non-issue,” and that she should drop her case because she is “an unmarried woman” who needed to get married. She has been transferred from the ministry for seeking justice. She has been suspended from her job by Commissioner Osakwe for going to court. Moreover, tremendous pressure has been piled on her by people sent by the defendants, with threats to her life, for her to withdraw her case.

Yet on July 19, 2024, a seemingly harmless and mild-mannered Durueke mustered the courage to show up in court at great expense, ready to make her case. The alleged sexual predators dodged the first day of the case in court under the excuse of ill health.

Win or lose in court, Moudline Durueke has displayed unusual courage and unparalleled endurance in this matter. In so doing, she may have contributed to a fairer, more respectful and more equitable workplace in Imo State and beyond.

This reporter will follow the case until it’s conclusion.