Why We Need Police Security in Community- Mmahu, Egbema Town 


Apparently disturbed by the activities of some persons suspected to be working for the return of violence and wanton destruction of property in their community, the people of Mmahu in Egbema, Ohaji/Egbema LGA of Imo State have reiterated earlier stand for the continued presence of police security team under the supervision of Inspector Chika Okeabbatta.

A group, believed to be working with in concert with some external influences are suspected to plotting for the return of killings and unrest in the community through means of removing police security outfits.

Mmahu Egbema had been terrorized in the past by criminal gangs who kill and make the residents restless until the coming of police team under the control of Inspector Okeabbatta who returned normalcy.

The Mmahu Egbema community in a protest to Government House, Owerri, over the development appealed to the state government to hearken to their pleas and stop the masterminds of the return of violence.

Led by a former councilor of the ward, Hon Camilius Okoro, compromising men, women and youths to Government House, the community in a statement states;  “Suffice it to note that few years ago, Mmahu Town was infiltrated by hardened criminals initiated and perpetuated by the leading figures of these demonstrations who made life difficult to residents through incessant killings, assassinations and wanton destruction of property.

“It’s worthy to note a sad reminder of the evil era which  was the gruesome murder of seven members of the All Progressive Congress,  APC, of Mmahu Egbema chapter,  masterminded by the same elements against the interest of the well being of the society.

“Working in tandem with aliens unknown to us, the evil campaigners  went  to Abuja to  campaign against the presence of police operatives in our area.

“The truth remains that those undertaking the protests against Inspector Okeabbatta and the Nigeria Police in Mmahu Egbema community are criminal elements not only opposed to the peace we are enjoying at the moment, but also not happy that the mentioned policeman and his team have frustrated their plans to return our area to Community of Bloodbath.

“Their greatest regret that gives rise to their  campaign of calumny against Inspector Okeabbatta is that he has led the police team in our areas to put a stop to their blood-sucking parole in our community and the  new effort we are making that they be held accountable for their misdeeds while in office.

“It’s obvious that the architect of this  infantile grandstanding is a former Town Union President Pastor Noble Chinedu who is trying to cause distraction with fake protest in Abuja  to enable him escape investigation over alleged offences committed in the past.

“While requesting relevant security authorities and governments to ignore the purveyors of falsehood about the situation in Mmahu Town, Egbema, as their claims are from the pit of hell, we are of the opinion that security issues shouldn’t be politicized the manner the unknown persons are going about their cheap blackmail, to  allow Inspector Okeabbatta and team continue to ensure protection of lives and property.

“We are well informed that those ganging against Inspector Okeabbatta are agents and protagonists of the dreaded ESN and IPOB fighters wanting to use his ouster as another launchpad to inflict more attacks on the community.

“Our prayers remain that since  Inspector Okeabbatta and team are doing a great job at ensuring protection of lives and property, he needs to be left to be with us while the criminal elements who ruined our community in the past, led by the former PG, Pastor Noble Chinedu be arrested and prosecuted to allow peace reign”