Imo Ministry Fight Dirty Over Asset Sharing Modality


.As Workers Wants Govs Intervention

By Okey Alozie

All is said not to be well with Ministry of Environment and that of Mining and Solid Mineral Resources located at Imo State Secretariat, Owerri, Imo State.

Our roving reporter gathered that the two ministries are fighting because of Assets and Liabilities which have now brought enemity between the two Ministries. The mother Ministry of Agriculture as we were told gave birth to many Ministries but just those two mentioned above are the ones fighting for assets sharing and liabilities.

The Ministry of Environment as we gathered has accused the former Perm Sec, Dr Daniel who is now posted to Mines and Solid Mineral Resources as the one fueling all the crisis surrounding the assets shearing and liabilities. Ministry of environment disclosed that the Dr Daniel Ogashoke a Perm Sec was formerly incharge of Environment, thereafter transferred to Mines and Solid Minerals Department and on getting to his new Ministry he started causing trouble demanding for assets shearing and liability.

The spokesman of the Ministry of Environment hinted that Dr Daniel while in the Ministry of Environment removed some properties including vehicles which he is yet to returned back up till now.

Environment Ministry revealed that during the world environmental day. Dr Daniel took a vehicle belonging to NEWMAP and uptill now he has not considered it necessary to return that vehicle.

The spoke man of the Ministry of Environment also submitted that Dr Daniel wants bring confusion in the system by insisting on the Assets sharing of the mother Ministry when he is still holding some vital properties. The Ministry now advised its former Perm Sec Dr Daniel to consider it necessary as a matter of urgency to return all the Government properties that he is holding before talking of assets sharing, adding that what the Ministry of Environment will share is just from a unit from the its Ecological Department where they Ministry of Mines and Solid Mineral Resources was created from and nothing more than that.

Our source from the Ministry of Mines and Solid Mineral also hinted what the Ministry of Environment said was not true at all. The source revealed that the mother Ministry actually gave birth to many Ministries but the truth remains that the mother Ministry was splited and new ones were carved out from Department of environmental science to form ministry of hygen and sanitation.

Our source further gathered that Dr Daniel was only saying that what should be shared is what comes out from Ecological Department and nothing more than that.

The source maintained that assets and liabilities that are common to both Ministries should be the centre point of the sharing, adding that the NEWMAP project section is the nucleus under which the two Ministries revolves peripherally.

A source from the office of the Perm Sec Ministry of Mines and Solid Mineral Resource when contacted reacted and revealed that the former Perm Sec of Ministry of Environment, Dr Daniel was cleared by a procurement officer at the Ministry of Environment that the former Perm Sec returned all the properties in his possession.

The procurement officer certified that all properties in possession of the former Perm Sec Dr Daniel were all returned and are in order” a source revealed.

The source went ahead to say that the Commissioner for Environment did not apply for his own vehicle, he hijacked the NEWMPA vehicles and uptil now he is still holding them.