Principals In Imo Schools In Trouble


.For Insubordination, Disobedience

By Okey Alozie

Some Principals of Secondary Schools in Owerri zone Imo State are said to have entered into serious trouble for allegedly refusing to obey directives from the Secondary Education Management Board (SEMB).

Trumpeta sources said the few Principals who claimed to be above the existing authority at SEMB vehemently refused to go on transfer as directed by their Boss. The Principals in question have their names withheld for obvious reasons.

According to the source, they refused the transfer on the ground that they are First Class Principals, therefore they should remain in the municipal council in order to save and protect the school system.

Information revealed that the accused  Principals in question not minding the consequences of their actions, vowed to go at any length to reject the transfer and uptil now as we gathered, they have not collected their transfer letters.  Moreover, they are said to have refused to hand over and their actions are now bringing crisis in the schools.

Concerned teachers of secondary schools in Imo are now crying out loud over this development saying that it is unacceptable for a principal who have stayed more than four years in a school to reject transfer from SEMB.

Parents teachers association of the affected schools are now raising serious alarm, condemning the attitude of the principals who are daring the Government by refusing to obey directive of their immediate boss (SEMB).

Stakeholders who also spoke to our reporter condemned the act of disobedience to existing authority and recommended that those principals who refused to go on transfer as directed by SEMB should be treated as rebels.

According to stakeholders, this is against the civil service rule for a staff to disobey his or her superior.

It would be recalled that during teachers verification exercise that took place at Heros square few months ago, the Governor Senator Hope Uzodinma while making his speech directed that there is need for the teachers and Principals who have stayed long in a particular school especially those at the urban areas to go on transfer for things to move properly and based on this directive of the governor as we gathered SEMB swung into action and thereafter transferred Vice Principals  and Principals especially those  who have over stayed in a particular secondary schools.

The transfer came out recently and few Principals ganged up to resist it.

This power tussle is now bringing confusion in the system.

A particular principal in one of the secondary schools is said to be at front piloting others to go against the authorities by refusing the posting and reshufflements carried out in schools.

Sources revealed that the Commissioner for Education is yet to say anything on this particular issue.

There is another allegation that some of these principals who refused to go on transfer were allegedly involved in extortion of money from students.

It is in the news that WAEC derecognized over 200 secondary schools in Imo State because of Exam malpractices. These affected schools were sanctioned  N500,000 each. While government is trying to go on negotiation to solve the problems at hand. It was alleged that few principals have started collecting money from students to pay for the release of the seized result when government has not yet approved for any payment.

Some of the principals suspected to be in this extortion deal were said to be among the transfer list as we further gathered from a reliable source.

A staff who pleaded anonymity told our reporter that never in the history of SEMB that a Principal would refuse to go on transfer.

Moreover, Principals and Teachers were not to stay longer than necessary in a particular school.

The concerned students and teachers want the Commissioner for Education to use his power to sanction those who refused to go on transfer.