OBOWO, EHIME MBANO, IHITTE/UBOMA FED CONSTITUENCY: Only Charlatans, Praise Singers, Can Give Chike Okafor 3RD Term . Ihitte/Uboma Political Leaders Insist, Blast Reps Member


Against the backdrop of purported third term grant handed to House of Reps member, Hon Chike Okafor, by a group who claimed to be Ihitte/Uboma youths Association, political leaders from the LGA have not only denounced the call but added that it is the trademark of charlatans who have nothing to offer to the system.

In a statement made available to Trumpeta and signed by the leaders, the leaders branded those who gave Okafor the nod as sheer “praise singers”. The statement reads;

The attention of the underlisted, political, religious and natural leaders and stakeholders of Ihitte uboma, has been drawn to the purported endorsement of Deacon Hon Chike John Okafor for a third term in the federal House of Representatives by some  youths parading themselves as members of the Ihitte Uboma youth Association. While we do not feign ignorance of the existence of such an association in our LGA, we would want to inform the general public that news which has since gone viral on prints and social media is totally false and misleading. In the first instance, there was no formal meeting of the Association where the issue of endorsement was an agenda or deliberated. Instead Arch. Achi Chris Achi who has since outlived his youthfulness and should by now be a grandfather had ambushed Hon Chike John Okafor at his Country home Umuoma where he assembled a motley crowd or praise singers and charlatans who in appreciation of Hon Okafor’s promises of donating motor cycles and cash to them endorsed a motion calling on him to run for a third term. This unfortunate and unfounded development negates in its entirety the well accepted zoning arrangements that ceded the office to Ihitte Uboma, come 2023.

In a twist of fate,  Ihitte Uboma was robbed of her hard won victory over Chike Okafor and others. Simply put, what the self acclaimed Ihitte Uboma youth association succeeded in doing with the purported endorsement was trading and merchandising their birthright which has not gone done well with us and remains unacceptable and untenable because it is the turn of Ihitte Uboma to take a second shot at the federal House of Representatives after Hon Francis Amadiegwu. It is against the backdrop of the foregoing that we urge the general public to discountenance with, disregard and ignore the purported endorsement of Hon Chike John Okafor as the said youths acted selfishly and senselessly. They were driven by greed, avarice, poverty, sorrow and frustration unleashed and inflicted on the people of Nigeria, While dismissing Achi and his gang of self seeking individuals, we hereby reiterate that it is the turn of Ihitte Uboma clan to produce the next member of the Federal House of Representatives and no amount of endorsement or distraction will make us lose focus or waiver from realizing this project. National Assembly members across Nigeria used the yelutide season to register their impacts in their constituents and present their score cards to the people. Unfortunately there is no record anywhere that Hon Deacon Chike John Okafor did that nor identify those of them from Ihitte Uboma whose employment and empowerment were facilitated by Hon Deacon Chike John Okafor as witnessed elsewhere for which he could be appraised and adjudged to have delivered before any sensible individual or group can conceive of the idea of an endorsement.

 On a final note, be it known that Achi or anyone else for that matter acted on his own and does not have the support, promptings of our people to endorse any one. Besides  Achi Chris Achi who we consider to be qualified to contest for the vacant house of representatives seat after 2023, does not possess the necessary instruments and grossly lacks the capacity to speak for the people of Ihitte Uboma or their youths. Anyone therefore who allows himself or herself to be hoodwinked by these elements in our midst under any circumstances or platform is doing so at her own or his own risk