Emma Amafili as a peace maker


Orsu-born politician can be said to have the magic wand for peace-making.  The Former Commissioner for Special Duties during Ohakim’s era displayed this recently at the Sacred Heart Catholic Church, Akwakuma, Owerri North.  There was a major disagreement among the security men at the church gate and some worshippers for the Sunday service.  Before the close of worship by the priest, some worshippers who came for thanksgiving was about leaving before the wardens at the gate refused, insisting that the Mass must dismiss before the gate will be opened.  The disagreement almost led to fist cuff before Amafili arrived the church premises from outside.  The dark-skinned ex-commissioner who came without a car approached the warring factions to stop the skirmishes and settle amicably since they were in the church premises.  His intervention stopped the quarrel and the gate was opened.  POPULAR SIDE did not inquire about his mission in the church but his peace moves is worthy of commendation.