Imo State appears to be more in the news within the past seven years since Governor Rochas Okorocha assumed office as the Governor.

And fortunately, an analysis of the report indicates that out of eighty percent of such news, Imo State has succeeded in having sixty percent of it in the negative with a conservative twenty in the positive.

Just over the weekend during the National Convention of the All Progressive Congress (APC) in far away Abuja, our dear Imo State was again at the centre stage of discuss following the shameful national display of thuggery and rascality exhibited by Imo contingents at the convention.

Unfortunately this was coming just as the state was only privileged to produce the position of a common National Organizing Secretary of the party hitherto held by an Imo indigene Senator Osita Izunaso.

Though Senator Izunaso who incidentally is the consensus candidate of Governor Okorocha’s opposing group in the party from the State is being challenged by the Governor’s loyalist Barr. Emma Ibediro, it beats the imagination of the unsuspecting congress men what should have accounted for the exhibit of rascality as voting was ongoing.

Allegations were that thugs acting on the instructions of Government loyalists were financially induced and mobilized to manhandle unsuspecting and authentic Imo delegates to ensure that the exercise is disrupted at the chargrin of the Nigerian public.

Apart from allegations and counter allegations of how millions of naira belonging to the state was carted to Abuja for this national display of shame, jobless Imo youths are said to have been used for this assault for peanuts.

Information has it that even the Deputy Governor of the state Prince Eze Madumere whose relationship with his age long Governor has sawered was not speared by the thugs who physically pushed him around at the glea of the general public.

A cursory look at the entire episode clearly shows that the so-called office of the National Organizing Secretary zoned to South East has no tangible meaning after all to warrant the risk taking by the hired Imo thugs and the millions of the State resources wasted in that Eldorado.

However, the National Convention Committee as we gathered has declared the position as “no victor, no vanquish” with its refusal to declare either Senator Izunaso or Emma Ibediro a winner as we speak.

Indicating that the position as far as APC leaders are concerned is inconclusive following the fact that six states of Imo, Cross Rivers, Abia, Anambra, Delta and Rivers did not vote and their votes not counted settles the logic.

Although, the convention chairman and Governor of Jigawa State Alhaji Badaru Abubakar announced Barr Emma Ibediro as the winner with 1,748 votes against Senator Izunaso’s 1,459, the whole situation is not clear considering the fact that the disenfranchised Six States owing to crisis and confusion during the exercise.

Whether senator Izunaso or Barrister Ibediro, Trumpeta believes that the national show of shame and thuggery exhibited at the convention by Imo APC should be condemned and the blame heaped at the door step of Governor Okorocha.

After all if the Governor who ordinarily is the leader of the party in the state had done the needful, he would not have boxed himself into the tight corner which he is currently. Though we know that the APC Government in Imo State today is in injury time, the party should stop playing on the intelligence of Imo masses by squandering their resources in frivolities.

The Governor should be called to attention as well as the National Leadership of the party on the level of fraud and misappropriation of resources by its party in the state and save the people from mortgaging their future and that of their children yet unborn through bad governance.