Why I am in the Guber Race



This article was written in 2015 when I ran as a Deputy Governorship Candidate in UPP with Dr. Osmond Ukanacho being the flag bearer. It is republished here to remind Imo people of the choice they missed. UPP still stands the chance of changing things in Imo come 2019. Be informed that I am not in the guber race now and do not intend to be for now unless the divine wishes otherwise. I am from Orlu zone and my stand is that no Orlu person should run for Imo guber race. Orlu zone stands for justice and equity and it must be maintained. Refresh your memories once more with this 2015 article.


What will you do when your immediate human society is in disarray- When virtually every palm that stirs its leadership, bows to same ancestral credo, irrespective of vows and promises to change the story? Will you fold your arms, close your eyes and have your forehead elevated to the blue skies, irritating the ever present God that has to our mortal eyes made himself the Hidden and Absent God? Will you like the Psalmist, keep your eyes up there, asking: “From where shall come my help?” Will you like Carlos Mesters, ask “Deus, Onde Stas” (God, where are you)? Or, will you like the Shakespearean Macbeth, ask: “why must I play the Roman fool and die while I see my sword and gnashes do them better?” Or perhaps you may be more inclined to St Peter in your Christian approach to challenging realities and thus “stand up to him, strong in faith?”


For more than a decade now, I have been adjudged and called the greatest enemy and critic of every Government in power in Imo State.  Certainly, I have been, I am and I remain still ever vital to criticise any government that is in power and in so being grossly and consistently errs. I am certainly vital and will criticise myself if our sure entrance to Douglas House leaves the expected route and errs. The fact obviously is that I have not been an enemy or critic to any Government or Governor but to mal-governance, misappropriation of our communal fund, deceitful projects and agenda, which whenever the principal changes for good as desired by the society, I cease to criticise and appreciate the stride.


Every person created by God has proper charisma as well as apertures through which the inclinations to serve humanity via the proper charisma are realised. Realising mine, and being faithful to the vocation, great many audience in the State instead of pillorying me as they used to do in the past, have suddenly turned to be fans to the unknown but ever heard mouthpiece. The greatest of these come from the youths, elitist civil servants, men and women of God’s altar and services, military and police officers, etc. This service to mankind gradually and through unnoticed but consistent natural unfolding of events, led to various men and women, youths organisations and the elderly, as well as many media bodies in the State and beyond, taking my service as divine intervention, and had thither been the triadic voice calling Samuel to present himself and lead the people.


Certainly, many of my audience and friends may be surprised and also happy that at last I succumbed to their appeal and pressurising plea to come and take up that position that I criticise always. Many urge me to come and put to practise that which I canvass than being always behind the media voice and screen, ratiocinating and philosophising. Many too, bet and assure me that they will secretly and massively vote any party I enter into power, but assure me that I will be the most corrupt Governor Imo will ever have. Great many also, notably the youths, have en masse cling to me as not only their best friend, brother and co-youth elite in the State, but by what unknowingly to me as a group of 64 apex youth organisations in the State in August 2014 came to me and pleaded that I have been assessed by all and proven over worthy even to rule Imo State. This made them to make me the Mayor of Orlu Zone (to the envy and counter claims of Rochas Okorocha), Mayor of Niger Delta Youth Movement (NDYM), Imo Youths Mayor, etc.


I have never nursed to be a politician but the recent drive, philosophy, visions and revolutions of the Coalition of Imo Youths Organisation (CIYO) that comprises of 86 different youth bodies, wings, organisations and structures who resolved that youths are no longer the leaders and future of tomorrow, but of today and must be given 50% affirmative positions in the 2015 government of Imo State; which include: The office of the Deputy Governor, as well as 25% appointive positions in State Cabinet and 25% elective positions in the State House of Assembly. These youths whose Mayor I am, saw me as the most worthy of all Imo Youths to vouch for the welfare of all the youths (today) and help them resolve that their quest to be in any government that rules Imo this 2015.


Having emerged through these circumstances, with over 86 youth structures, each with an average of 7,400 sure registered voters behind me, with many most populous churches, my media fans, audience and colleagues, as well as the great multitude about Dr Osmond Imo Ukanacho, the Douglas House for sure awaits our arrival. Certainly, the rank and file of NAISS, the multitude of youths in the CIYO, all dancing hidden behind me for the secret ballot of February 28, and who virtually constitute about 65% of the 1.3 million registered electorates in the State, the unusual and unexpected will again happen in Imo State for the UPP as it was for PPA in 2007.


Arnold Toynbee was right in his thesis on the cyclic nature of history. In 2007, the PDP in Imo State had itself in a quagmire that has replicated and resurged after 8 years. Today, same actors and realities are on stage that give credence to the cyclic nature of history. There is same Senator Ifeanyi Araraume who then fought it with Engr. Charles Ugwu (who had the PDP gubernatorial flag, while the ticket was contested in the Court) on stage again. Today, Rt. Hon. Ihedioha replaces Engr. Charles Ugwu, while Capt. Ihenacho of the APGA replaces Chief Martin Agbaso, and the incumbent Governor Okorocha, replaces Chief Uwaezuoke Nwajiuba. All these then on stage were, but Chief Ikedi Ohakim of the PPA became the Governor of Imo State. Same events that played offstage, in Owerri and Abuja, play now and all have Dr Osmond Ukanacho and Prof Protus Uzorma set for the glorious climb. Every PDP and APGA structure that have been messed up, toyed about and frustrated, pump into UPP for resolution and ways forward, and with these, the victory stands by.


These historical realities notwithstanding, from the spiritual domain, it is a verifiable and over-proven fact that no politician who has ruled Imo before will be in Government House this 2015. Certainly, Gov. Ohakim having fallen to this category is over privileged yet to have in stock an equivalent of his desire again in Imo State. Certainly too, Rochas like him is in this category of behind divine drawing but very unfortunate as the evils behind his success in 2011, have been unveiled and most of his the henchmen have abandoned him, even the catholic clergies and prelates. Same story, simulated events turn and their counter realisations are les enjeux de la politique d’aujourd’hui en Imo.


Why will Ukanacho and Uzorma not win if about 1.3million registered voters are at present in Imo State? If perhaps, an average of 4,500 are indisposed (dead, travelled, lost PVCs, etc) and an average of 17,000 of the registered voters are in the military, police and paramilitary that will be in election monitoring; thus, not going to vote. It is obvious too that great many of the 1.3million will be INEC ad hoc staff or self-determined individuals who are resolute to vote nobody but Jesus. Thus, having a coalition of assured 636,400 voters, excluding my media fans, audience and Dr Ukanacho surprising multitude and structure, churches, organizations, homes, friends and well-wishers behind us, as well as the unresolved crises in the PDP and APGA, the divine mandate is mandated.


On another hand, if thus, about 76% of the 1.3million registered voters (that is, about 936,000 electorates) will be disposed for the election and about 65% of the 936,00 (that is, 608,400) are these ready youths alone for the UPP in the secret ballot system that goes beyond money doling, and with about 8-10 serious gubernatorial candidates in next months general elections, Governor Rochas Okorocha is already out of Douglas House and on his way to Afghanistan as he wished and threw Chief Ohakim; after all, defeating the incumbent Governor and public servants has come to stay in Imo State. Imo for sure will be better under another palm, steering the affairs of the State.

Prof.Nathan Protus Uzorma