Umeh’s Reinstatement: Ndunagu Reunites Mbaitoli APGA Gets Youths Support For Re-Election


By victor madumere
In a bid to reconsolidate on the party frame at the grass roots, following recent reinstatement of Chief Victor Umeh as APGA National Chairman by the Appeal Court, the party in Mbaitoli LGA in Imo State, on Saturday, reconstituted its excos at the ward levels for proper mobilization ahead of the 2015 elections.
Addressing the newly named ward executives and stakeholders during the meeting held at the instance of the topmost leader of APGA in the LGA, Hon. Victor Ndunagu, the party chairman, Chief Godfrey Dikeocha, said that the reinstatement of Chief Umeh consequent upon dissolution of the state Executives Committee in a step in the right direction.
He, informed that the development ushers hope for the rejuvenation of the party in the L.G.A, with a view also, to restrengthen its framework at the ward level so as to achieve desired victory at the polls next year.
Dikeocha, while challenging the ward executives to discharge their duties with high sense of responsibility, however, announced that the party’s campaign-rally scheduled to commence in no distant time, would be spear headed by the ward chairmen and members of the excos inaugurated.
The party boss, told the ward excos that the battle for 2015 elections is going to be a tough one, even as he tasked them to embrace toughness as the only means possible to clinch the avowed victory for APGA in 2015. He, also solicited continued support and loyalty to Chief Umeh and Hon. Ndunagu in ensuring that APGA lives in Nigeria.
In the same vein, a group of Mbaitoli youths under the aegis of All Mbaitoli Youths Association (AMYA), has restated its resolve to canvass support for the APGA State-Assembly lawmaker for the area in the IMHA, Hon. Victor Ndunagu considering his antecedents.
In an address delivered by the group’s president, Comr. Ugonna Achuko, during a courtesy call on the lawmaker, the group said that it was moved by the viable legislations by Hon. Ndunagu, which include, the abandoned project law and the Act for the establishment of Imo Civil Corps, in which Mbaitoli Youths and the State at large benefited.
The group, also informed that House Resolutions made effective by the law maker which brought about attraction of Government’s attention to the special school for the Dumb, and the Bone Clinic, all in Orodo Community endeared members of the youth association to the lawmaker consequent upon which they decided to drum support for his re-election into the state parliament come, 2015..
Responding, Hon. Ndunagu said that his empowerment programme for the youths was born out of compassion for Mbaitoli youths, adding that since there are no industries in the state to engage them, the empowerment in the areas of entrepreneurial skill acquisition became imperative. The lawmaker, however, warned them against thuggery, violence among other electoral crimes.