2015: The New Hegemonists of Imo Politics?


One popular saying has it that one day begins a story. The Chinese added that a journey of one thousand kilometers begins with one step. The journey to 2015 politicking in Imo state has begun in earnest and politicians since January have been jostling for the various elective seats. But from all indications the biggest one; the Governorship seat, will make or mar the state as the various political zones lay claim to the plum job.
Since 1999 that the current democratic dispensation came into being, 2015 will be the most trying period in the life of Imo state in terms of elections. Every indications point to the fact that Imo Governorship election in 2015 will turn out to be a herculean task for both the state and its inhabitants. It will stretch Imo state to its elasticity and if care is not taken, may unleash ethno differences that will herald a new political climate in the state that will create suspicion among self-styled hegemonists, and other citizens of the state.
I have discovered that in every peaceful environment, the politicians usually tend to believe that the masses there are ignorant and therefore gullible, and in their (politicians) naivety stir the augean stable, which in most cases rouse the anger of the populace, who in the quest to demand a pound of flesh from their political tormentors, over reach themselves in trying to let the minority oppressors realize that power is in the hands of the so-called “foolish” illiterates, and the abandoned electorate.
From unfolding scenario, the politics of Imo state will never be the same again. Why? Last week, the people of Orlu zone, the largest political zone in Imo state, rose from a crucial meeting to agree in unison that every son and daughter of Orlu who are interested in the 2015 Imo Governorship race should join the fray.
That was a good development in a democratic environment. There was nothing wrong in doing that. The zone also went ahead to declare that the Charter of Equity said to be operational in the Peoples Democratic Party, PDP, has been shattered.
But the question is; was there anything like Charter of Equity in the PDP? Was Orlu zone ever at any time asked not to participate in the 2015 Governorship election warranting the recent declaration?
So, why would Orlu zone ask her sons and daughters to join Imo Governorship race? Why would the zone say that Charter of Equity has been thrown away?
Looking at the questions through the prism of philosophy of inference, there was a Charter of Equity. If not, you could not have killed what never existed. Too, Orlu zone had a bad conscience which may have led her to ask her people to declare for Imo Governorship. In this case, did Okigwe or Owerri call meetings to ask that her people join Imo Governorship race in the same manner Orlu did? Clear conscience fears no accusation.
In 1998, the Peoples Democratic Party, PDP through the wisdom of its Elders agreed that Imo be divided into three political zones; Orlu, Okigwe and Owerri for easy transfer of power transfer among the zones.
Before then, Okigwe and Owerri had held power as Governor of Imo state in the persons of Dr Sam Mbakwe and Chief Evan Enwerem respectively.
Therefore not minding how many years each of the Governors spent at the Douglas House, it was resolved that the best option and for equity and justice to reign was to start from Orlu that had not held the office before. That was how Chief Achike Udenwa, from Amaifeke in Orlu LGA emerged the winner of PDP primaries. This was against the back drop that an Owerri son, Bar Humphrey Anumudu originally won the exercise
Udenwa was in Government for eight years. After him in 2007, rather than go back to Owerri zone that had governed only for one year and eight months under Evans Enwerem, the rotation continued with the mantle going to Okigwe, who had ruled Imo earlier for four years. That was how Dr Ikedi Ohakim came into the scene and became the fourth Civilian Governor of Imo state.
PDP gave him a second term ticket in 2011 to complete an eight year two terms tenure but he could not be declared the winner in that election.
However, Chief Rochas Okorocha, who ran under the platform of the All Progressives Grand Alliance, APGA and a native of Ogboko, Ideato South LGA, in Orlu zone, emerged winner, therefore continued the Orlu reign at the helm of Imo affairs. Majority of Imo people could not do anything about it since Okorocha’s political party then, APGA had no zoning formula in its doctrine, unlike the PDP.
As the 2015 election approaches now, there has been this muted agreement in the minds of most Imo people that since Orlu would have completed twelve years on the saddle when Okorocha completes one term in 2015, and Okigwe had already gulped eight years between Mbakwe and Ohakim, it therefore sounds logical to allow Owerri take a shot at the seat in 2015 for justice and equity.
While Okigwe is still making case that it was short-changed in 2011 from completing her second term like Orlu did with Udenwa from 1999-2007, the same Orlu threw a bomb shell by saying it has joined the race for 2015 Imo Guber.
Under this scenario, the Imo Governorship race has changed, and matter complicated, as many had believed that the main worry before the PDP was to settle Okigwe and Owerri, on who should run. In this case; should Owerri allow Okigwe complete a second tenure in 2019, and hand over to her, or should Owerri get one tenure, and then stand on per with others and ask for more?
But with Orlu’s latest decision, and resolution that the Charter of Equity which gave the zone eight years under Udenwa be destroyed, it is a tacit approval of “roforofo” fight among the ethnic zones, and most disastrously for PDP in the state.
Much as one knows it is not democratically acceptable for any one to tell Orlu people not to present any aspirant in 2015, haven pocketed eight years under Udenwa, and still on the throne now through Okorocha, it would have been politically expedient not to call that meeting where it became a mandate for Orlu to join the fray which tantamounts to arrogance and lack of respect for other zones that make Imo a Tripod political entity.
You can also say, that since 1999 there has not been any time all the zones did not participate in the PDP Governorship primaries. But the way and manner Orlu is going about it indicates that it wants to use her numerical strength to intimidate other zones to remain subservient to her in the state as long as Orlu can sustain such anti-democratic policy.
Hear Senator Hope Uzodinma, one of the highest politicians from Orlu at the meeting. According to SUN Newspaper June, 9 2014, page 6 “Senator Uzodinma in his address reminded Orlu people that God had endowed them with the numerical strength and human resources to resist the temptation of playing second fiddle in Imo politics” Read on “He argued that Orlu people must always be in the position to determine who became what in the state given her numerical strength”.
From the foregoing, it is clear that Orlu does not give a damn to justice and equity, and the feeling of other zones but her numerical strength to convert other zones to the hewers of wood and fetchers of water in Imo polity.
Could it be that Orlu knew what went on in the last election in 2011 when its sons and daughters in the PDP won all their elections, but lost the Governorship position to APGA, envariably their son, His Excellency Owelle Rochas Okorocha simply because the PDP candidate, Ikedi Ohakim comes from Okigwe zone?
Has Orlu become the hegemonists of Imo politics, the role which Hausa/Fulani stock are being accused of playing in the Nigerian Federation that has left Nigeria crawling on her knees after 51 years of independence because the status quo must remain, even though it is not moving the country forward?
The comment by Orlu leaders at the Forum leaves much to be desired, which in this case can spur other zones to rebel against oppression coming from Orlu. What it all means is that Okigwe and Owerri zones cannot win the Governorship of Imo state again, since Orlu will continue to thwart their ambition to govern the state through their “numerical strength and human resources”.
Can any one blame Orlu? It has used the states’ resources to prepare its people for the challenges ahead. Although Udenwa is a very good man, but it is clear that the bulk of Orlu people benefited from his largesse when he was in power. So, there are more rich people in Orlu today compared to other zones.
Luckily for Orlu, Okorocha has continued this ethno hegemony and empowerment of Orlu people over others since he assumed office. Nearly all the lands in Owerri have been allocated or bought by these privileged people, whose brothers have been in power since 1999.
Okigwe had their share under Ohakim, at least with nearly all roads in Mbano now tarred, and some of their sons occupying plum and juicy positions then.
For Owerri zone, it has become a place of “beggars” conquered in war and a poaching ground for others who use their “numerical strength and human resources” to draft in prominent sons and daughters of Owerri to serve as “Coordinators” for their various political ambitions and in the process sabotage Owerri course.
In these political plots Owerri is the most hit. Much as one may say that not all the three political zones are homogenous in operation but others are better than Owerri zone that speaks in a Babel of voices on any issue that concerns the zone.
In 2011, the former Governor of Imo state, Chief Ikedi Ohakim assured the area that he would hand over to them if he won a second term. But he could not win, and unfortunately, out of the nine LGAs in Owerri zone, the PDP won in only four and lost five to APGA, including the senatorial seat.
Now, the chicken has come home to roast. It has become clear that the only way the Imo Governorship can go round the three zones is through zoning. Orlu has twelve LGAs, Owerri Nine, and Okigwe six. In this case, Orlu zone holds the aces, and that is why it has occupied the Douglas House since 1999, except between 2007 and 2011. It wants to return in 2015 and therefore the Charter of Equity must be destroyed.
Orlu is saying that Okorocha shattered the Charter of Equity. Does Okorocha’s party, be it APGA or APC has zoning formula like as enshrined in the PDP in principle?
They now say the zoning formula is not written and therefore cannot be obeyed, after the same Orlu benefited from it in 1999 to 2007. In 1999 was the formula documented then?
It serves Owerri right! it not even more unfortunate that those championing the Orlu Governorship in 2015 are prominent sons of Owerri zone? If they really believe in zoning why would they support Orlu zone to win Imo Governorship in 2015?
Since the issue has degenerated to the level of money and number, let the strongest Bull win.
But unfortunately, in a every human society, what rules is equity and justice, because force and power of easy lucre last just for a time. That is what Hobbesian theory teaches us. Except we want to live in an environment of brutish disposition where might is power, and the powerless doomed.
Today in Benue, Plateau, Enugu, Ebonyi states etc, you hear of internal squabbles among the mushroom ethnic groups and tribes. What causes it is nothing but arrogance of a dominant Group thinking that others do not matter.
The PDP shattered the zoning formula at the national level, but have we all lived happily ever after? He who comes for equity must have clean hands.
But in all these developments, the biggest loser will be the Peoples Democratic Party PDP. If nothing is done urgently before the political season seriously kicks off, all the tribes in Imo will go for their own people during the election. And Orlu, which prides its self with its numerical strength and human resources will win, but not PDP.
But what happened in Orlu zone in 2011 during the election is still fresh in the minds of the people. Therefore, no body would be taken unawares again. Meaning that Orlu will not deceive the PDP members as before.
But yet, I fear for Imo PDP, before and after the 2015 Governorship election. Is it too late?