Governorship Race In Imo State: The Other Side Of The Coin


nigeria turns
There is no doubt that the issue of the Governorship race in Imo State from now until the election in 2015 will attract a lot of commentaries and analysis.
One such analysis was one which appeared on page 4 of Trumpeta Newspaper of 22nd November, 2013. A well thought out and in-depth comprehensiveness of the issues involved, the author in fact did an excellent job in laying the ground for the possible scenarios which are likely to interplay in the course of the governorship race, come 2015.
However, the objective of this piece is not to debunk the postulation of the writer in several instances so far as the past race, particularly the 2011 was concerned, but to look at the other side of the coin in respect of his positioning each of the aspirants and their possible fortunes. In the course of this analysis, it may be necessary to point out where possible, where I tend to have a different analytical opinion of some of the writers conclusions and predictions.
In the first place, for me, there is no doubt that the 2011 governorship election was characterized by so many conjectures as to what gave rise to the emergence of Rochas. Being a position to know and know hard facts and truth, Owelle Okorocha was declared the winner because it suited some powerful authorities for such to be done. One needs to read Ethelbert Okere’s book, “Democracy by a Military tank” to enable one have more insight of Okere’s narration may be faulted by those who may see him as Ohakim’s apologist, the truth remains that there are so many fact which could give his narrations authentic validity. Because, to know this, some vital questions may be raised; how could Theodore Orji whom many knew and many Abians wrote off win his election without any tangible and verifiable assessments of his achievements in Abia? Why is it that if we take a look at the INEC results of Imo Governorship election of the twelve LGAs in Orlu, why is it that in about seven LGAs why is it that Owelle’s figures dangled around seven thousand votes? Was this accidental or man-made allocation of figures? Many had blamed the Catholics to have brought about the defeat of Ohakim because of the Rev. Father Okolie’s saga. This could not stand the test of any political and empirical analysis for so many reasons. There were many Catholics who were in PDP and of course it was not all the Catholics that voted for Owelle, many, too, voted for Ohakim. Although the activities of the Catholic leadership in the State were tailored towards favouring Owelle, what of the Catholics in Mbaise, Ohaji, Oguta, etc. where Ohakim won and won soundly? Another associated and unanswered question is this, why was the election result stopped abruptly, who gave the instruction and for what reason? The truth was that the powers to be did not want Ohakim to win and every available means was used to stop him. The reason for this, although could be traceable to Ohakim’s own carless rascality, perhaps, today, those powers to be who did not want Ohakim and who failed cheap as victims of Owelle sugar coated tongue just have now seen that there is a difference between “egbe” the bird and “egbe” the gun.
Equally, it is important to recall the last minute collective conspiracy by the leadership of Orlu who raised the issue of “blood is thicker than water” to hoodwink low mind electorate in Orlu. Today, Owelle although is doing well for Orlu agenda, sometimes, his reckless policies make no distinction except in employment, appointment, etc.
Nobody but nobody could sustain the insinuation that Okigwe people sold out during that election. No, the figures are there. Owelle lost in all the six LGAs in OKigwe. This was not due to collective theory but because Okigwe people strongly believed in the zoning arrangement and for their son to complete two terms. Afterall, Ohakim did not pursue a policy of parochialism and nepotism as Owelle is doing.
Now to the main issue of this analysis, irrespective of what many can conjecture, the Governorship should come to Owerri zone. Point blank. For those in Orlu who are harbouring the idea for Owelle to return or for another Orlu son to occupy the seat are mere day-dreamers unless they don’t wish this State harmonious existence. It is a well known fact by many that some Orlu people are naturally greedy politically since they are mostly businessmen and an average businessman is usually greedy. But this will not work. Their twelve LGA advantage must not be used foolishly to deny Owerri or Okigwe the free process of zonal equity. If they do that, soon, they would find out that sometimes, “majority” is a liability but if we face the truth, the population of Orlu zone is less than that of Owerri zone. We know that Orlu got twelve local Government structure due to maneuvering tactics of Orlu big shots including that of Walter Ofonagoro whose Nwangele LGA population is less than one quarter population of Ahiara Clan. In fact, the population of Nwangele, Njaba, Isu and Nkwerre put together is still less than that of Aboh Mbaise. What are we talking about?
With regards to the aspirants themselves, it is not even advisable to think of the aspirants from Okigwe because, there is no way another Okigwe man could be elected before an Owerri man. Those speculating Uwajimogu, Senator Anyanwu or even the best candidate from Okigwe are trying to create a lucrative environment for literary benefits to market newspapers or to remain relevant in the analytic environment.
For me, and I strongly mean it, for justice and equity to reign, Owerri zone should produce the next governor whether from APGA, PDP or from even the APC that has not registered any member in the State. But the fact on the ground is that Imo State, inspite of the too artificially created impression, remains PDP State.
Yes, there are quite a number of qualified and experienced aspirants for the Governorship from Owerri zone. Some are truly contenders while some are pretenders. Some contenders include Emeka Ihedioha, Emma Ojinere, Christy Anyanwu, Captain Emmanuel Iheanacho, Bethel Amadi and few others.
The writer could not have been more correct when he identified Emeka Ihedioha as one that could wrestle Owelle down on the ground. As pointed out by the writer, Ihedioha’s past Legislative opportunities were enough to give him the type of clout he has today. That could be converted into robust political and electoral fortune.
However, the writer went off the mark when he assumed that Emma Ojinere would always come out, make some noise and fizzle out. This was an assessment based on either wrong information, lack of it or deliberate attempt to reduce a “giant” in order to fit in a woolen cloth made for a dwarf. In the first place, Ojinere had only vied for the Governorship once. He was one of the many Owerri sons and daughters asked by the then President Obasanjo to give Okigwe zone the chance in 2007. All of them from Owerri and Orlu zone complied. And the slot went to Okigwe zone. Charles Ugwu before it changed hand to fell on Ohakim.
In 2011, Ojinere, Chris Asoluka and Nnanna Ugochi were cruising home for the Senate seat, when same Baba forced them to withdraw from a colossal liability, Kema Chikwe whom Mbaise voters demonstrated their anger furiously against the decision to ask Ojinere, their son to withdraw, by voting massively for their daughter, Christy Anyanwu.
Therefore, it amounts to journalistic misleading to suggest that Ojinere would had always come out to view for an election which he had not been able to pursue to a logical conclusion. In the second place, Ojinere is not a noisy person at all. He is undiluted party loyalist, always ready to respect party leadership and to follow his leaders.
In fact, since Mbaike had produced a governor before in the person of our respected late Evan Enwerem, it will be replication of the same injustice we are fighting against, for an Mbaike person to come out for it.
Therefore, Emma Iheanacho, Chukwueke, Bethel Amadi, Jerry Chukwueke and Nzimako must not disturb quiet water. And since Mbaise nation has not produced a Governor or even a Deputy, it is proper that they should be given a chance. In that circumstance, Rt. Honourable Ihedioha, Emma Ojinere and Christy Anyanwu stand a very good chance.
For the writer to say that Christy Anyanwu does not have an advantage of being a lady in Imo State where the thought of a woman governor is still many years far, Ihedioha and Ojinere stand out.
However, it must be understood that irrespective of the best and most accurate postulations writers and pundits must proffer, who becomes the next Governor of Imo State must be decided by the party leadership of PDP which is the majority party in the State. And as expected if such a person comes from Mbaise nation, it will be full-hardy for any other party to pick its candidate from outside Owerri zone. Because, apart from the fact that it should go to Owerri zone and Mbaise sub-zone in particular, they have the votes. Look around there is no compound in Owerri, Okigwe or Orlu in which you would not find at least two adult Mbaise persons. And since politics is a game of number, you see what I mean.
On his part, without being sarcastic, according to that writer, I believe that Owelle has through his inconsistent arrogant and disregard for rule of law has lost a lot of popularity.
In conclusion, for the 2015 Governorship in Imo State, the question of another Orlu person must be out of question. Okigwe, too has held the office twice like Orlu. Owerri has held it only once, eighteen months. It is now the turn of Owerri zone and Mbaike has held it once through Evan Enwerem and undoubtedly, it is a matter of a superior argument that the odd favours Mbaise nation. Those who go to equity must go with clean hands and in view of how each Governor has emerged in Imo State since 1999, nobody but nobody can underrate emergence of any candidate. Because there are always the interplay of destiny. Lets watch.