Whose Blood Are You?

I had quite a hectic day at my work place on one of those days one cannot easily describe, when I came back, I...

Man: The Pride Of His Woman

He that made them from the beginning, made them male and female for the purpose of companionship and procreation. These two species of human...

Women! Amazing Gift To Humanity

In God's master plan of creation, women took the last position. The lastborns' position in any family is for a fundamental and significant purpose....

Is Your Bedroom Candle Switched Off?

Marriage is honourable and sweet and there is no doubt about that. What baffles me more about it is that those who desire it...

The Other Man (Tom)

    The other “man” your name sounds as dry as “the other woman”. Dwelling on you is one big task for me. The reason is...

“Thank God My Husband Is Not A She!”

The rate at which sexual pervasion has eaten deep into the fabrics of our society calls for great concern. It has also become imperative...

Nigeria: The Devil’s Own Hell?

  Life as a young girl was full of blissful episodes. The love that streamed from the bossom of my parents' heart especially from my...

The Cost Of Oxygen

Few weeks ago, I rushed a domestic accident victim to one of the government hospitals in the city. Based on the circumstance of the...

The Other Woman!

  The other woman, you are as dry as your name sounds. Writing about you does leave me with so much stress of what to...


  Habits are the characters already formed which can hardly be discarded because they have taken deep root and control of the person involved. One...